AhlulBayt News Agency

source : TNA

18 September 2013

7:30:00 PM

On the anniversary of heinous film on Prophet of Islam:

“Who is Mohammad (PBUH)?” unveiled in the US

Concurrent with the desecration of an American director to the Prophet of Islam, American Muslims unveiled a new book on the high character of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).

(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Newly unveil book is “Who is Mohammad (PBUH)?”, an English adaptation of “Light of Eternity”, book by prominent Shia jurisprudent.A group of Shia elites from different countries attended the ceremony to unveil the book, on biography and lifestyle of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).Mohsen Eslami, Iran’s cultural councilor in the UN, announced the move is in reaction to the desecrating film about Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and aims to show that true Muslims support dialogue and debate.Seyyed Faisal Reza Abedi, Pakistani Shia Senator, in the sideline of this ceremony referred to 14 centuries of efforts to tarnish the sacred image of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) which have all been in vain.Participants in this ceremony stressed the necessity of avoiding Islamophobia in American media demanding academic society in the country to study credible sources of Islam and correct the inaccurate view of the American citizens from Islam.The eternal light, is one of the most significant works of Ayatollah Sobhani. This is the most comprehensive book on the Holy Prophet’s life. Some of the subjects in this book include: The Arabs before Islam, The Prophet’s birth, From herding sheep up to commerce (about the Prophet’s life), From his marriage up to his divine mission, The first revelation, The first emigration, The military demonstrations and war maneuver, Conquest of Mecca, Idolatry in Arabia and also The last hajj. /129