AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Syria News

3 September 2013

7:30:00 PM

US Senators with new resolution on Syria, 60-day deadline for US attacks on Syria

(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - US Senators in Washington set a 60-day deadline, including a possible 30-day extension, for a potential military attack on Syria. The deadline in terms of a US-led military strike on Damascus is included in a new use-of-force resolution by the US Senators.The revised use-of-force resolution in terms of a possible attack on Syria was crafted by US Senator Robert Menendez and Bob Corker, the chairman and ranking member of the Foreign Relations Committee in the United States.The revised resolution includes a 60-day deadline with the possibility of an extension for 30 days in regards of the decision for the US President Barack Obama whether to launch military attacks on Syria or not. The revised resolution also includes the possible use of US ground forces in Syria in case the military attack on Syria will be decided.The panel will vote about the revised resolution and on the proposal today. However, it is to hope that such an anti-Syria resolution will not pass because any military action on Syria will only increase the violence in the Arab country and the suffering of the Syrian people. Not to mention the dire consequences for the region and the entire Middle East in case Washington decides to attack the Syrian government in Damascus by military force.Further, there is even a certain possibility that a US-led war on Syria is capable of triggering a new world war (WWIII) – at least, several former military members from different countries, including the United States, and some political analysts have already stated that a war on Syria could trigger World War 3 (WWIII). Although such a outcome would be horrible, the not foreseeable response by Syria’s allies such as Iran or Russia in terms the US will launch military strikes on Damascus include the possibility for another World War.The revised use-of-force resolution in terms of a possible attack on Syria was crafted by US Senator Robert Menendez and Bob Corker, the chairman and ranking member of the Foreign Relations Committee in the United States. The revised resolution includes a 60-day deadline with the possibility of an extension for 30 days in regards of the decision for the US President Barack Obama whether to launch military attacks on Syria or not. The revised resolution also includes the possible use of US ground forces in Syria in case the military attack on Syria will be decided.US Senator Robert Menendez and Bob Corker, the chairman and ranking member of the Foreign Relations Committee, support the intention of the US administration of Barack Obama to launch a “limited” war on Syria. However, such “limited, proportional” attacks on Syria over the alleged use of chemical weapons by the Syrian government against Syrian civilians (so far, there is no convincing evidence for the allegations by Washington against Damascus in regards of the alleged use of chemical weapons against their own people) are impossible.Washington is capable to launch the war on Syria but the US administration is not able to control the war on Syria or to end such a war on the Arab country. The use of the term “limited, proportional attacks” on Syria is only used to make the war on Damascus sound better for the American people as well as for all the people in other nations.The possibility for real “limited strikes” on Syria for just a few days is simply zero. An Iranian official has recently stated the same. He said that the US administration in Washington can start the war on Syria, but they won’t be able to stop the war or to maintain the control about the war.The chairman and ranking member of the Foreign Relations Committee, Bob Corker, insisted on a 30-day deadline for US President Barack Obama to order any military action on Syria, but the Democrats have rejected the call by Bob Corker. The Republican Senator from Tennessee, Bob Corker, also sought a flat-out prohibition on the insertion of any American ground forces into Syria.However, the so-called Democrats have insisted that the US President Obama should be allowed to use US ground forces in a possible military attack on Syria – at least, in so-called “limited circumstances,” including operations by US Special Forces or missions to secure the Syrian stocks of chemical weapons.The revised resolution about a possible war on Syria needs 60 votes to overcome the expected filibuster. While it is known how some US Senators will vote on the revised resolution about a US war on Syria, the possible decision in terms of the vote of other Senators is not kown. At least, there is still a strong opposition among the Republicans about any US meddling and involvement in a possible war on Syria or in the Syrian conflict.Meanwhile, the US administration of Barack Obama has increased its lobbying for a US-led military strike against the Syrian government in Damascus. According to statements by the White House, the US administration has “detailed physical evidence” that chemical weapons were used by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA). However, Russia and others have already stated that the presented evidence are not convincing.The warmonger John Kerry, US Secretary of State, said that the White House has no doubts that the Syrian Army has carried out chemical weapons attacks in suburbs of the Syrian capital Damascus on August 21. According to the recent statements by John Kerry, the White House has “physical evidence of where the rockets came from and when,” and that no rocket “landed in regime-controlled territory.”However, the radar monitoring of Russia says something else. In addition, the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stated that the presented evidence is not convincing and urged Washington to share the Intel information in case there is convincing evidence because the topic of a possible US-led war on Syria is a very serious and dangerous issue and in this case, the White House has to share its justification for the allegations against Syria as well as its alleged evidence for their claims.Also the Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke recently about the US threats against Syria and the accusation by Washington that the Syrian government has used chemical weapons (e.g. Sarin nerve agent) against Syrian civilians in suburbs of Damascus. Vladimir Putin called these claims against the Syrian governance by Washington an “utter nonsense.”According to Martin Dempsey, a known US military officer, there is a certain possibility that the Russian administration will boost its military assistance to Syria if the United States will carry out military strikes on Damascus. Russia may hike military assistance to Syria should the United States strike, so US General Martin Dempsey in front of the US Congress on Tuesday.The top US military officer further stated to the US Congress that there are some indicators that the Russian administration have already assured the Syrian government that they can replace everything that America will destroy on Syrian soil./129