AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Press TV

23 July 2012

9:36:00 PM

Washington Is Encountering Islam in Syria by Flaming Unrest

Replacing independent governments with pro-Western puppets is the US official policy. So is war on Islam.

(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - After Soviet Russia dissolved, Muslims replaced communists as public enemy number one. Since the 1990s, millions have ruthlessly been killed. Many more die daily. Dozens succumb every day in Syria. US-sponsored death squads murder them.

On July 20 or 21st, Ramadan began. It continues for 30 days until August 18. It's a time for prayer, fasting, reflection, spiritual purification, self-sacrifice, charity, and forgiveness.

On July 20, Obama hypocritically "extend(ed) warmest wishes to" American and global Muslims. He wished them a "blessed month." He did it despite official US policy to murder them. It doesn't stop in deference to Ramadan, Christmas, or any other time of year. He contemptuously expressed support for their determination to achieve "democracy," "equality," "justice," and "universal rights." He said his administration stands forthrightly with them.

He lied. He's a serial liar. He's also a war criminal multiple times over.

America deplores these values at home and abroad. It won't tolerate them. They're anathema to the nation's imperium. It seeks unchallenged global dominance. Ravaging the world one country at a time or in multiples is its policy to achieve it.

Plans to get Security Council authorization for war failed. Russia and China vetoed three resolutions. Vladimir Putin said no to Libya 2.

He denounced efforts to circumvent Security Council authority. He said Russian National Security Council members deplore Western attempts to link ongoing violence to Moscow's position.

Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov called Washington's statements "hypocritical." He added that America subverts efforts to urge opposition leaders to dialogue responsibly with Assad.

He called Hillary Clinton and Susan Rice accusations "absolutely unacceptable."

Taking aim at Washington and London primarily, Russia's UN envoy Vitaly Churkin said don't "be misled by humanitarian discourse by some countries. The policies on Syria are more geopolitical than humanitarian."

"Unfortunately, the consequences of these policies will make the conflict and bloodshed continuous."

He indicated that so-called aid is a prelude and pretext for military intervention, adding:

"The US and the UK intervened in Iraq under the most sublime of pretexts, causing (massive numbers of) civilian (deaths), let alone the displaced people inside and outside Iraq."

Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich warned of serious consequences if Washington circumvents Security Council authority and intervenes directly in Syria's internal affairs.

He said doing so constitutes "a very very alarming signal." He rejected US retaliatory threats. He criticized congressional action and Western media denunciations.

Russia's Duma International Affairs Committee Chairman Aleksey Pushkov called Western nations' position on Syria political cover to escalate tensions. He rejected calls for unilateral approaches.

He accused Washington and the so-called "Friends of Syria" of "double standards." On the one hand, they support diplomatic solutions. On the other, they further violence, bloodshed, and resolving Syria's conflict militarily. Russia stands firmly opposed.

Last week, Washington upped the stakes. Killing Syrian officials at Damascus National Security headquarters on Wednesday was strategically timed.

The attack happened ahead of the latest Western Security Council scheme to authorize military intervention. It failed. At the same time, battles raged in and around Damascus and elsewhere. They failed.

Efforts were made to hijack Syria's satellite channel frequencies and silence other state run online media. The Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) was repeatedly hacked and shut down. On Sunday it was operating. It and other Syrian media remain vulnerable.

So far Western and complicit regional attempts to destabilize, weaken, and perhaps bring down the government failed. Expect continued schemes to topple Assad and his regime.

On July 21, a New York Times editorial headlined "Stymied at UN, US Refines Plan to Remove Assad," said: Obama officials "abandoned efforts for a diplomatic settlement to the conflict in Syria, and instead it is increasing aid to the rebels and redoubling efforts to rally a coalition of like-minded countries to forcibly bring down the government of President Bashar al-Assad, American officials say."

Obama officials are meeting with Israeli, Turkish, and Western counterparts. They're also discussing policy with Syrian opposition leaders. Internal Washington "daily high-level meetings" are held. At issue is Plan B "to help map out a possible post-Assad government."

"The administration has had regular talks with the Israelis about how Israel might move to destroy Syrian weapons facilities, administration officials said."

Washington is directly involved in arming, funding, training, and directing Syrian opposition mercenaries. They're cutthroat killers. They're enlisted to commit mass murder. They target pro-Assad civilians and others randomly. Expect stepped up efforts ahead of direct Western and/or regional allies' intervention.

Unnamed US officials said: "You’ll notice in the last couple of months, the opposition has been strengthened. Now we’re ready to accelerate that."

Andrew Tabler, a member of the hawkish, pro-Israeli Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP), said: "We're looking at the controlled demolition of the Assad regime." However, he left unsaid that official Washington policy includes all options. They include full-scale war.

International Crisis Group member Robert Malley warned of "war that never ends." Syrians won't tolerate being ruled by elements now fighting them.

Josh Rogin reports on national security, foreign policy, and defense issues. On July 20, his Foreign Policy article headlined "Inside the quiet effort to plan for a post-Assad Syria," said: "Senior Syrian opposition group representatives are meeting covertly in Germany. The State Department provides funding. For "the last six months," they've been working with so-called US Institute for Peace (USIP) members. They're planning a post-Assad government.”

USIP is a pro-Western front group. According to the Weekly Standard, Washington supplies millions of dollars. "Since 1985, taxpayers have forked over more than $720 million (inflation adjusted). That has included support for a gleaming new 150,000 square foot office building in the shadow of that other taxpayer-supported institution (allegedly) devoted to peace: the State Department."

USIP's Steven Heydemann heads the initiative. In June, he met with Friends of Syria representatives in Istanbul. The project is called: "The day after: Supporting a democratic transition in Syria." Heydemann said USIP is "working in a support role with a large group of opposition groups to define a transition process for a post-Assad Syria."

USIP shortly plans releasing a report. It's a regime change strategy document. Implementing initial priorities needs to start now, said Heydemann. He disingenuously claims pushing Assad from power isn't discussed.

"We have very purposely stayed away from contributing to the direct overthrow of the Assad regime," he said. "Our project is called 'the day after.' There are other groups working on the day before."

Of course, they're interconnected. As the lyrics to the well-known spiritual "Dem Bones" say, the hip bone is connected to the thigh bone, etc.

USIP board chairman J. Robinson West is a corporate CEO (PFC Energy). President Richard H. Solomon is a former Assistant Secretary of State. Vice chairman of the board George E. Moose is a former Assistant Secretary of State. Other board members include: Judy Van Rest: right-wing International Republican Institute (ISI) executive vice president and Michael H. Posner: Obama's Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor.

Of course, all US administrations deplore these values. They tolerate none of them at home or abroad.

James N. Miller: Obama's Under Secretary of Defense for Policy

Nancy McEldowney: Interim president of the National Defense University (NDU).

Eric S. Edelman: A retired US Foreign Service Career Minister. He also held senior Defense Department positions.

Judy Ansley: Previously she held various high-level national security and Senate staff positions.

Syrian opposition members support violently overthrowing Assad's government. In May, free, fair, and open parliamentary elections were held. Ruling party members won most seats. Washington, key NATO partners, and the so-called Friends of Syria don't recognize them. They represent Syria, not Western interests.

Replacing them with subservient puppets is the policy. USIP was enlisted to help. It's a wrongly named imperial tool. It supports war, not peace. It's well paid for furthering Washington's imperium. Destroying Syria is prioritized.
