AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Press TV

22 July 2012

10:11:00 PM

Syria’s future lies in Assad’s hands

The bomb explosion that killed four top Syrian defense and security officials has served to put beyond doubt the fact that what has been happening up and down the country over the recent months has not been so much of a popular revolution as it has been a sinister attempt at the armed takeover of a sovereign nation.

(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Revolutionaries armed with assault rifles and homemade explosives cannot within the realms of reality get a bomb passed five levels of security into a crucial meeting of Syria's top officials. It takes a sophisticated operation staged by the foreign intelligence agencies to pull something as audacious as this off.

A few lone voices, sullied as usual by the Western corporate media, have maintained from the very start that bar a very unlikely diplomatic solution, the party that seizes the initiative will be the ultimate winner: Be it Damascus or the armed gangs loosely allied to each other fighting Damascus.

The bomb blast in question put many issues beyond doubt for the international community. In other words, if there had been even a handful of gullible nations who believed that the Syria situation had been anything other than a bloody game initiated and funded by London, Tel Aviv and Washington, these nations now know that dark forces are behind most of the horrendous events in Syria.

President Bashar Assad could have emerged with a sense that the writing is on the wall for him and his government after the bombing. But equally, provided he has the strength of character, Assad could come back certain that putting his house into order using all at his disposal is the only option ahead to save the day for his nation: including the wayward children in the throes of an induced uprising with little knowledge of the plans cooked up for their country by the West and its regional allies.

The tactics of the armed rebels smack of sectarianism: in Damascus they attacked the security forces from a mainly Shia Muslim neighborhood and gutted alive, several prominent Shia families down to the last child. Also the Syrian army had to lay waste to large areas of the said Shia neighborhoods in order to get at the rebels in the fighting. In fact all across Syria the slaughter of the Shia civilians has been a common feature of the rebel operations.

However, the not so hotheads see the situation in Syria for what it actually is. The Russian ambassador to the UN, Vitaly Churkin, recently delivered a string of damning comments against the forces involved in trying to rip Syria apart. He said that Syria's destruction was just another milestone on the way of the ultimate aims of the "colonial powers" and that Iran would be the ultimate prize.

So the Western humanitarian rhetoric on Syria is just more nonsense of the caliber of the Iraq WMD claims at the UN. Furthermore, the disregard for humanity shown by the West becomes larger than life should one imagine that all the lives lost in Syria mean nothing to the Western powers and their allies in the region, provided they can next move on Iran.

President Assad has a choice; he can abandon the fight by which he'd throw his nation to the wolves or act like a good father faced with the only choice to save his children: Assad will have to be cruel to be kind in the right measure and disregard the ballyhoo of the Western corporate media, safe in the knowledge that the world will not be in a position to blame him for trying to save his nation.
