AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Press TV

4 June 2012

7:30:00 PM

Interview with editor of Signs of the Times Sott.net, Niall Bradley

Houla massacre entails tsunami of lies against Syrian govt.

The Houla massacre has created such an “enormous tsunami of lies” against the Syrian government, making it difficult to discern the truth from the lies surrounding the incident, says an analyst.

(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - We have conducted an interview with the editor of Signs of the Times Sott.net, Niall Bradley, to further discuss the issue. The video also offers the opinions of two other guests: author and Islamic studies expert Dr. Kevin Barrett and political analyst Jihad Mouracadeh. The following is a rough transcription of the interview: Q: Speaking of the mission that these special forces are having let’s have your take on this as well Mr. Bradley. At the same time that these British sources are saying that these are people who are creating safe havens for those who are fleeing the Syrian crisis and I guess they are saying that that is basically part of a humanitarian mission. However, the same sources have been saying that in case civil war occurs, these forces are going to be engaged in fighting, so what do you think there operation in Syria is about? What’s your interpretation? Bradley: Quite simply it’s a clean-up operation and these MI6 and SAS forces were already along the borders within the country. A British publication last November said that the daily star believed that MI6 and SAS forces who were already by that time training the so called SSA free Syrian army, supplying it with weapons and literally directing operations within Syria.

So what we’re seeing now is only the result of conditions already created beforehand where the timing of their official, if you like, admittance that yes we’re sending in Special Forces to Syria could only have happened after the previous sequence of events. Of course last week we saw the horrific Houla massacre and it’s clear from the reports within Syria that the Syrian army had nothing to do with this.

This was in fact carried out by armed gangs rampaging through the villages. So really what we’re looking at is a typical kind of reporting in the Western media where they report after the act of what they have already dumbed. Q: Speaking about the Houla massacre that you raised, different opinions have been voiced here, of course the Syrian government has been saying that despite the fact that the government there saying that Sunni families were killed in Houla, Alawite and Shia Muslims were also killed there. However, this has not been portrayed by the media and it’s not been represented and also we’re hearing an independent Russian report saying that entire pro-government families were massacred in Houla. So how can we basically come to the truth in this? Bradley: Unfortunately that will be made very difficult by the fact that this story has been so overblown, not to minimize the seriousness of the actual attacks but it’s then created this enormous in what the spokesman for the Syrian government said tsunami of lies directed against the Syrian government that there is so much emotional investment now attached to this, that it’s very difficult to even attempt to find the fact, the truth from the lies at this point. However, it’s true that Russian reports have been on the line, have interviewed survivors, witnesses and overwhelmingly, they found that they were in fact supporters of the Assad government. It makes no sense that the Assad government would do such a thing especially with so much international tension at this time.

When we think about what’s happening on the geo-political stage, the Annan plan, the attention on Syria, why on earth would the government be in any way involved in such a thing? If you look at the reports that came out just before the Houla massacre in which I believe it was- no it isn’t mentioned before, this has been stated before but it’s not in a report or such, Ban Ki Moon the current UN secretary general is on the record of saying that he believes the forces are predominantly made up of al-Qaeda members or people affiliated with al-Qaeda.

We have a situation here where the United States and NATO regimes are aligned with the very same terrorists they have been telling the whole world since 9/11 are (A) responsible for 9/11 and (B) justify bringing in police state measures on a global scale and here they are in Syria arming, training, directing operations. It’s quite incredible when you think about it and yet it makes perfect sense when we look at... Q: Mr. Bradley, quickly if you can, one other issue that I want to mention in this program is the role that various countries have been playing during this ceasefire for instance, we saw rebel support for the ceasefire plan for instance by the likes of the United States or Turkey, or Lebanon or whatever but we saw some of these countries, Saudi Arabia Qatar, the United States being accused of giving arms to the opposition. What kind of role did these countries have if they indeed had in breaking this ceasefire? Bradley: Well, they have had a full role in supporting the American, Israeli, British agenda in Syria. The ceasefire, the plan with Kofi Anan, this is all just a rogue. It’s really just a matter of buying time for the agenda. With the time of the Houla massacre this is just the next step towards doing what will be done. The ceasefire is really just, like I said it’s a rogue; it’s only a stopgap measure the people even who promote the ceasefire; naturally people want the bloodshed to end of course but this will not stop the range of forces that are against the Syrian government; the Syrian government is damned if it does and damned if it doesn’t.
