AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Islam Times

11 May 2012

7:30:00 PM

Saudi Arabia Plots To Turn Revolution against Egyptian Nation

Saudi Arabia hides behind the Islamic law and the texts of the Holy Quran, as a frontage and background to the ruling regime of Al-Saud.

(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - However, we find that what this ruling regime is practicing is far away from the Islamic religion and the Quran, which is a constitution for the country. It is an unjust, corrupt country that oppresses its people. It works contrary to the principles of justice, righteous, and the Shura prescribed by the Islamic law, as well as it works in its foreign policy and relations with other international and regional countries and organizations to help the West and the Zionist entity in achieving their interests in the Arab countries. It seeks with all its diplomatic and material tools and means to install the corrupt and conspiring regimes as (Egypt - and - Bahrain), and resists the real revolutions of the Arab peoples.

It also works to support the contrived revolutions in some Arab countries (like Syria for example), and to support the regimes that work to normalize relations with the Zionist entity and to oppose the movements of resistance against the Israeli enemy by circumventing or pressuring them (particularly the Palestinian resistance). This comes through its relationship with the authoritarian Arab regimes that are controlling their peoples, through its material assist, or through all the Arab mass media that belong to it and that are fed materially by funds from its treasury.

Therefore, the Al-Saud regime is engaging in revolutions that are against those of the Arab peoples, who are arising against their tyrannical and unjust regimes that are oppressing their peoples.

Since the Egyptian revolution was launched, the regime of Al-Saud had a stance against it and practiced unprecedented pressure to maintain the Mubarak regime, then in order not to be tried, (as it previously did in protecting the Tunisian President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, by accommodating him on its land and helping him to escape from the punishment despite the issuance of an arrest warrant against him by his state).

Thus, it is clearly shown through its stated positions that it hates the Egyptian people and their glorious revolution. This regime is trying to abort and terminate this revolution, or to divert its path so that to serve the interests of the (three-evils), through supporting the groups belonging to it and pressuring Egypt diplomatically, as well as pressuring the Egyptian businessmen who are in Saudi Arabia. Its means of pressure reached to an extent of exploiting the Hajj and Umrah (pilgrimage) to influence the revolution of the Egyptian people.

The main reason for the Saudi intervention to cause to the failure of  the revolution in Egypt is to convey a message to its people that the idea of revolution is a wrong one, so that to guarantee that the Saudi people would not arise against the regime of Al-Saud, and it does not hesitate to guide the authority’s Mufti,  who is recruited by it, to issue a religious Fatwa prohibiting revolting against the ruler, because the popular revolts are the reason for chaos and instability in the countries where they take place. They rely in this on a Hadith by the Prophet that is unfounded, which states "the inadmissibility of the revolt against the ruler, because if he was right he would be having two rewards, and if he was mistaken he would be having one reward only”.

Additionally, the reason for the intervention of the regime of the members of the Al-Saud family to cause the failure of the Egyptian revolution is that they do not want to see a true democratic state in it, because this will form a model for the whole Arab world and would threaten their presence in power in Saudi Arabia. They want the Egyptian people to remain to be subjugated and obeying a corrupt authority, so that to disable the Egyptians from correcting the imbalance in their relationship with the Gulf in general and with Saudi Arabia in particular. They consider that in order to ensure the stability of their rule in Saudi Arabia, they have to intervene to thwart the revolution and to revive the regime of "Mubarak”.

The rulers of Al-Saud want to take the Egyptian clock backwards, but we assure the Al-Saud family that what they are seeking and willing for i.e. to defeat the revolution will not happen, and that they must be only dreaming when thinking of taking the Egyptian clock backwards. The situation of Egypt and its revolution is fine, and their attempts and interventions to revive the regime of "Mubarak’ will fail. In fact, the storm and the winds of revolution will inevitably reach to them very soon, if it is God’s will, according to the indicators and after monitoring the situation in Saudi Arabia. The rulers of Al-Saud will be held accountable and will not escape from being punished. We also say that despite the fact that Saudi Arabia does not recognize the Zionist entity, and has no relations with it in public, since the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, yet the regime of Al-Saud and its princes like (Bandar bin Sultan, Al-Walid bin Talal, and others) do not hesitate to make secret contacts and to have friendly relationships with the Zionist entity outside the two states, and both sides are keeping diplomatic relations through the so-called "cold peace” since at least twenty years.

They are also helping the Arab regimes that have normalized their relations with Israel, as well as helping - through the money of oil and through their organizations in Egypt - to turn the normalization between the two regimes (the Egyptian and Israeli ones) into a real normalization between the two peoples, that of Egypt and Israel, as a prelude to achieve a real normalization between the two Saudi and Israeli peoples.

However, we say to the regime of Al-Saud that the Convention of surrender concluded between Egypt and Israel since 1979 was one of the most important causes of the revolution in Egypt after the injustice and corruption. Also, the Egyptian people reject normalizing the relations with the Jewish people, and want to turn the Convention of surrender into a formal one between them, such as a Convention of truce at least, and to abolish all the political, security, trade and cultural relations between the two parties.

Saudi Arabia through its close ties with the United States since decades, as if it is one of its cities, helps it to achieve its own strategic interests in our region, and is thus pushing the U.S. administration to stop its material aid to Egypt to pressure it to thwart the revolution. Hence, we say that Egypt’s relationship with the United States after the revolution is different from its relationship before the revolution; the relationship between the two countries will return to its normal track, as a balanced and moderate one, and the Egyptian people do not fear the American intimidation to cut off the U.S. aids that do not represent 2% of the total national output. The Egyptian people are following in their glorious revolution the steps of the Iranian revolution in 1979 through their courageousness and not fearing the American and Gulf intimidation regarding the Egyptian economy if any political change took place therein.

Therefore, we call upon them to benefit from the experience of Iran, which relied on itself through its own resources, and which has become a significant economic power, throwing away the foreign aids that are paid in return for political prices that humiliate its people. This comes especially since Egypt has natural resources (gas - water - important tourist areas), from which it can benefit to build a strong and independent economy that could cancel its political and economic dependency on the axis of the three evils (America, the Gulf, and Israel).

Finally, we condemn the Saudi blatant intervention in Egypt aiming at aborting the revolution and altering its course so that to revive the regime of Mubarak and we call the regime of Al-Saud to abide by the principles of the UN Charter, which stress "the right of peoples to self-determination, and non-interference in the internal affairs of States”.
