Mr.Salah Abbas Habib-36 years old- died today morning (April 21, 2012) in the village of Abusaiba.
Mr.Salah is the leader of protests in the areas of Abu Saiba.
As witnesses told Bahrain Youth Society for Human Rights (BYSHR) that Mr.Salah Was participating in a peaceful protest in the village of Abusaiba on April 20, 2012.He was leading the demonstrations in the village.At approximately 11:20PM Riot forces stormed the village and used the birdshot, tear gas and stun grenades.
Other witnesses told BYSHR that the Mr.Salah was with a group of demonstrators – approximately 13 protestors – and during the storming of the village by the riot police, the following event happaned:
1-Five of the protesters escaped to a farm.2-Five of the protesters were detained by riot police and were tortured and then released.3-Three people were injured because of the birdshot (two of them escaped to the farm) and Salah was injured and could not escape.
other witnesses told BYSHR that Mr.Salah was arrested by riot police.
The BYSHR can not confirm the cause of death, whether birdshot or torture after arrest.
The Bahrain Youth Society for Human Rights (BYSHR) demands urgent and immediate investigation into the death of Mr.Salah Abbas.