AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Arabtimesonline

7 March 2012

8:30:00 PM

Ashour fires salvo at deputy PM;

Why discrimination against Shia in Kuwait: MP Saleh Ashour

Shiite MP Saleh Ashour bombarded Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Sheikh Ahmed Al-Hamoud Al-Sabah with 30 parliamentary questions Monday on various issues, including the ministry’s procedures in dealing with citizen Shiite clerics traveling from Kuwait International Airport.

(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) -  Ashour questioned Sheikh Ahmed Al-Sabah on the legal basis for obligating Kuwaiti citizens to acquire official permission from the Interior Ministry to enter neighboring Iraq by land and why this permission is not required when traveling by plane. He alleged citizens have been complaining that the Abdalli land port with Iraq is inhumanly treating travelers with its procedures by making them wait for long hours until permission is granted for them to leave.

 Furthermore, Ashour said that the Interior Ministry has specific security measures in dealing with Kuwaiti Shiite clerics in the airport apart from other citizens. “Why this specific treatment and who set those procedures and why? Why Shiite clerics are apart from others since all information is available on the computer? Why are passports and airline tickets photographed?” he asked.

 The lawmaker further questioned Sheikh Ahmed Al-Sabah on whether his ministry has been purchasing various wire-bugging equipment; on the investigative procedures pertaining to the case of a citizen who died in mysterious circumstances; the arrests of social-networking activists and on the naturalization of Bedoun residents among other issues.

 Ashour is scheduled to file a grilling request Tuesday against HH the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Sabah. The four proponents are on the multimillion deposits scandal, foreign financial transfers, the PM’s failure and negligence to perform his constitutional and legal duties and another issue which is yet to be disclosed.

 Committee meetings

 Meanwhile, parliament committees continue to set their priorities and schedules that include amendments to certain laws.

 Chairman of the Human Right Committee, MP Adel Al-Damkhi announced that committee members will visit the Central Prison Tuesday and check on the condition of imprisoned Bedoun protestors and writer Mohammed Al-Mulaifi. “It will be an important visit that also aims to review the standards and conditions of the prison,” he said. Al-Damkhi added that the visiting delegation, after taking permission from the Interior Minister, will include civil society representatives.

 Speaking on committee priorities, Al-Damkhi said that establishing an independent human rights authority is on top of the list as well as important initiatives pertaining to the domestic workforce.  “Our priorities include an independent human rights authority. The project is ready as Kuwait has vowed in Geneva to establish this authority. We are also working on establishing a domestic workforce authority to prevent injustices from occurring to families as well as domestic labor,” he stated.

 Al-Damkhi further revealed that the Bedoun case has also been given priority and that the committee will discuss the status of the imprisoned Bedouns with the Interior Minister, “especially since it has heard they are on hunger strike”.

 “It is our duty to defend the right of peaceful expression by resident on Kuwaiti land. The Kuwaiti people do not accept injustice,” he said.

 In a related development, MP Munawer Al-Azmi called for the release of Bedoun prisoners and writer Al-Mulaifi saying that all are being unjustly held. He alleged that Al-Mulaifi is being abused by security forces during his transfer from prison to the Justice Palace and that selective imprisonment is being practiced as abusers of tribes have not been held.

 Al-Azmi further added that the imprisoned Bedoun were arrested for protesting peacefully for their legal rights. He asserted that this is unacceptable behavior and called on the Interior Minister to take action. 

 Meanwhile, Chairman of the Interior and Defense Committee, MP Nayef Al-Mirdas revealed that the committee priorities agreed upon by the members include amendments to a law pertaining to the organization of the prisons. He said that the amendments aim at giving the prosecution the right of search the prisons and to choose the appropriate place to carry out execution sentences inside or outside the prisons.

 On his part, Rapporteur of the Interior and Defense Affairs Committee, MP Mohammed Al-Dallal said that a sub-committee comprised of MPs Obaid Al-Wasmi, Faisal al-Yahya and Al-Dallal examine the proponents of a bill that seeks to transform the cabinet’s Legal and Legislative Department into a separate authority.

 He added the committee also amendments to the Penal Code pertaining to pre-trial detention and will complete the discussion with Ministry of Justice representatives next Sunday.

 Speaking on the Women and Family Affairs Committee meeting, Al-Dallal said the committee discussed the government response on women’s civil and social rights.

 Meanwhile, MP Dr Waleed Al-Tabtabaei proposed the establishment of an investment portfolio worth $10 billion to invest in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He proposed the fund be invested in real estate, industrial and tourism sectors and that the portfolio is managed by Kuwait Investment Authority.

 Moreover, Al-Tabtabaei along with MPs Faisal Al-Muslim, Falah Al-Sawwagh, Jamaan Al-Harbash and Mohammed Hayef proposed that “All financial transactions of the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development be compatible with Islamic Sharia law.”

 On another note, MP Jamaan Al-Harbash questioned Minister of Electricity and Water, Abdulaziz Al-Ibrahim on the ministry’s preparedness for the summer period to avoid electricity shortages. He requested the ministry’s program that deals with the issue and information on its budget.
