AhlulBayt News Agency

source : TNA

6 March 2012

8:30:00 PM

"Civil war prone to break out in Yemen"

Asked on the future condition of the country if Al Qaeda took hold of the country, he said, "Saudi Arabia would not make the least move without a council from the US and if any sign of civil war appears in Yemen, then KSA and the US would enter the country under the pretext of maintaining security and will claim the right of adoption for themselves."

(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) -  Hassan Hanizadeh, Iranian political expert on Middle East, in an exclusive us, referred to the news on Al Qaeda forces standing by to attack Yemen and said, "Al Qaeda terrorist group is used for two objectives: Firstly it is used by the US forces as a pressure lever against the Yemeni government and secondly, it is used by the Yemeni system to extort from the US.

He referred to the presence of Al Qaeda in South of Yemen and near Bab-el-Mandeb Strait stressing, "This issue has concerned the US to a great extent because US is quite sharp on this strait and any presence around that leads to more concerns for the US."

This political analyst also said Ali Abdullah Saleh, former Yemeni ruler, also used Al Qaeda to extort the West and added, "Following the topple of Ali Abdullah Saleh and substitution of the new President Mansour Hadi, this policy is still pursued keeping Al Qaeda as a puppet of US and the new system in Yemen.

When asked if Al Qaeda terrorist group has the ability to beat Yemeni army and dominate the new system in this country, he said, "If Al Qaeda uses all its capabilities to beat the Yemeni system then there is no doubt that it will make it."

Iranian Middle East expert referred to division in Yemeni army and said, "The first part is the supporters of Sheikh Sadeq al-Ahmar who stood opposite to Ali Abdullah Saleh and the second group includes the supporters of the system," adding that, "This division is a blow to Yemeni army and if Al Qaeda uses its full force against Yemeni government, it can lead to a failure of the system and disintegration of the country."

He added, "Now al-Houthi Movement in south, who were oppressed during Ali Abdullah Saleh, demand their rights besides Al Qaeda who has an active presence in the Southern Yemen. These can provide the ground for civil war in Yemen."

Hanizadeh explained on the current security situation in Yemen and said, "At present more than 60 million guns have been distributed in a country of 26 million population. This is another proof on potentiality of a civil war to break out in Yemen."

Asked on the future condition of the country if Al Qaeda took hold of the country, he said, "Saudi Arabia would not make the least move without a council from the US and if any sign of civil war appears in Yemen, then KSA and the US would enter the country under the pretext of maintaining security and will claim the right of adoption for themselves."

On the capabilities of new Yemen President, Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi, to run the country he said, "He used to be the vice president for Ali Abdullah Saleh for 18 years but does not have the capabilities to pass the transition period; therefore, protests against the new government in Yemen will certainly continue and clashes will undoubtedly intensify."

He warned against any unbalanced move in Yemen which would lead the country towards tribal war and said, "Apart from the tribal war, break out of a sectarian war is quite weak because 60 pc of the people are Zeidi and a minority is Sunni and Wahhabi plus a few Shia Muslims."

This Iranian Middle East expert answered the question on cancelation of a trial for Ali Abdullah Saleh and said, "Although Ali Abdullah Saleh has resigned, he is managing the whole thing in secret and contrary to the point that Hadi is now in power, in reality the decisions are made by Saleh sons; therefore, no change has really happened."

He added, "Yemen Revolution was hijacked by Saudi Arabia and Persian Gulf Cooperation Council (PGCC) and right now people are trying to remove sons and allies of former dictator Saleh."
