AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Press TV

15 November 2012

8:30:00 PM

Interview with Ibrahim Mousawi, professor at Lebanese University

Ashura continues to inspire revolutions

Millions of Shia Muslim pilgrims have gathered in the holy city of Karbala to commemorate Arbaeen.

(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Arbaeen marks the 40th day after the martyrdom anniversary of the Prophet Muhammad's grandson and the third Shia Imam Hussein (PBUH).

We have conducted an interview with Ibrahim Mousawi, professor at Lebanese University, to share his opinion on this issue.

Following is a transcript of the interview:

Q: First of all tell us about the significance of the mourning processions for Ashura which basically end today after the 40 day mourning period and also what special message does this day in specific carry?

Mousawi: Well first of all we have to know that this is not a procession and not an occasion that is limited only for the Shia Muslims. When we talk about the grandson of the Prophet, when we talk about the master of the young of the heaven as he has been called by the prophet himself and all the Muslims agree on that, so this is not something that is limited to the Shia Muslims, this is for all of the Muslims all over the world.

When we talk about the Husseini revolution, when we talk about Ashura and Karbala and all the sacrifices that have taken place there, when we learn from the lessons of patience and perseverance, when we learn the loyalty for the cause and for the Islam, when we learn that Imam Hussein came and he sacrificed all his family, all his progeny and he sacrificed himself and his blood has been shed over the plains of Karbala, more than thirteen hundred centuries ago, then we would know there is a message behind all of that.

A message not only for the Shia Muslims, not only for the Muslims, not only for the Christians or the followers of the divine and heavenly religions, it is for all the human beings, it is for mankind all over the world.

This is a kind of a spiritual treasure that has impressed people from across the continents in all of the ages that even Mahatma Gandhi himself said I learned from Imam Hussein how to start a revolution and how to win.

Many of the thinkers, many of the intellectuals, Westerners and non Westerners, Arabs, Muslims, Christians, they have been highly impressed by this revolution, by this sacrifice that we see if we read the poetry and this is something that all people should remember. The best part and best written articles about Imam Hussein were not written by Shia Muslims. They were written by people; Sunnis, Christians [and followers of other schools of thoughts].

So when we talk about them this is not a revolution for the Shiites or a procession that is for the Shias.

I believe that there are intentions to limit this procession only for the Shiites but it should be at all times respected, venerated, exalted, taken as a lesson for all of the Muslims, for all of the mankind all over the world. The message, the very clear message that it senses in all times, in all ages, in all places, in all circumstances that no matter how much the oppression might culminate and go up, no matter how much the tyrant might believe that they are mighty enough to control the people, to control the cause, they will not succeed, that the blood is always going to win against the sword, that the oppressed are going always to succeed and to win and to gain the triumph against the tyrants and against those who are in power. It gives you always the strong message that the power of people has always been and will continue to be more important, more stronger, more successful than the people in power.

Q: Professor Mousawi, you mentioned that these processions transcend just specifically being for Shia Muslims but let's see your thoughts at this. What message could be extracted from the battle of Karbala and Imam Hussein stance, all and all for modern day society?

Mousawi: Well I mean a lot I can say about. I mean take Iran for example now, the Islamic Republic of Iran. I believe it represents the voice of the oppressed all over the world. First of all, I mean most of the people in Iran, 90 percent, sweeping majority, they believe in the Imamate, they are Shiites actually, I mean the majority and one they support, they support the most oppressed people in the world which are the Palestinians. They are our Sunni brothers. The majority of the Palestinians, they are Sunni. Take Hezbollah and the resistance in Lebanon. They helped and they did everything possible to help their Sunni brothers.

So it is a message of unification, of unity that the oppressed are all one family. The oppressed not only the Muslims who are oppressed but also those who are oppressed in all of the world because the message of Imam Hussein, the blood of Imam Hussein, the sacrifice of Imam Hussein and his family is to transcend and to help and to be treasure for all mankind in all times, in all ages, and in all circumstances.

You can remember that some people who were with Imam Hussein, they were not Muslims, some people who have attached and they were [clung] in their hearts to Imam Hussein's revolution, they were not Muslims. And they helped the Imam and they sacrificed their blood for the cause of the Imam.

I believe this kind of mankind revolution is for mankind, and not only limited for the Sunnis or for the Shiites. I would say it transcends to be a beacon of light for all of the humanity in all ages that you have always to be persistent, you have always to have a strong faith, to believe that you can defeat the tyrants and you can always win the battles when you depend on Allah, when you have the self confidence and the trust in yourself and in your cause.

Q: Professor Mousawi, along the lines of what you just mentioned, one of the lessons described in Ashura is confronting a force much larger in order to stand up for dignity and justice, and basically that can be used as a role model for modern day countries who have been oppressed but refused to stand down for the sake of justice and for the sake of dignity.

Mousawi: Well absolutely. I can give you a lot of examples. Here in Lebanon during the year 2006 under the aggression, the 33 days actually, people have always been persistent and have always been attached to the teachings, and to the dignified and honoree things that Imam Hussein has said, that how far it is for us to be humiliated, it is so remote from us to be humiliated.

This is something that every human being should always cling to and attach to. Imam Khomeini himself told us that the red death is better than the black life actually. Imam Ali, all the prayers of God be upon him, said that to live oppressed is the death itself and to die with your head up is the life itself. So we have to choose what kind of life we want to live.

This kind of life under the tyrants, under the re-siege of tyrants and under the rule of the thugs of the tyrants is not a life at all. And we should always have the guts to make revolution against the oppressors and we will win.

This is what happened in 1982 during the Israeli invasion to Lebanon. That group of people who really believed in God, who really had every faith in their dignity and in their national dignity have started their resistance against the Israeli occupation.

The same thing happened in Iran and it continues to happen. Iran now is under different kinds of sanctions and different kinds on threats, the nuclear scientist that has been assassinated yesterday, Shahid Ahmadi Roshan.

You are talking about people who continue to be themselves and not to be the others, not to be dictated by the Westerners and by the United States of America. Those who believe in themselves, it is written for them to succeed and to have the triumph. All the prayers of Allah would be on him, all the mercies of Allah [would] be on them and all the blessings and all the support of Allah would be for them.

This is what happened in south Lebanon, this is what happened in Iraq against the American occupation and this is what is happening now in different places, this is what is happening in Bahrain, and this is what happening with the steadfastness of the Islamic Republic of Iran against all the international powers.

q: Professor Mousawi, another fascinating aspect about the Ashura commemorations is about how Hussein Ibn Ali's stand at Karbala has stood the test of time. It is surely one of the greatest, if not the greatest of epic battles in the history of mankind, a symbol of refusing to stand down against the tyranny, of standing up to oppression as Imam Hussein preferred the death of a martyr rather than surrendering to a tyrant.

Mousawi: Absolutely. This is one of the themes always actually, one you choose, what kind of life do you want to take, do you want to live? How do you want to choose your life to be? Do you want to live under the oppression of oppressors, under the tight grip of the oppressors that they would like give you the right to live decently or not to live, they would give you the right to speak or not to speak. Of course Imam Hussein has given the exemplary model for all mankind, always he has chosen to be the martyr and not to be the one who live the life of a slave.

q: Professor Mousawi, tell us about the rituals that we are seeing right now, this significance in their symbolism well over thirteen hundred years on.

Mousawi: Before I go to that, thank you for giving me the opportunity again but let me say one simple thing. That I want to correct in the minds and in the hearings of the people who would be hearing us now and I believe you would agree with me about it. There are two things that have been mentioned now that would cause a kind of misunderstanding about these processions.

It has been mentioned by your correspondent in Karbala that the pilgrimage, I just want to correct the Shiites they go to Kabaa and to the Hijaz for pilgrimage. This is the pilgrimage of Islam that they do. Those are visitors, visiting the shrines just to withdraw the distinction and to make it clear for everyone who might be led astray by self expressions that we use it like that.

The other thing he mentioned that the Shiite religion, there is no such thing as the Shiite religion. We are all Muslims, we are Muslims who believe in the Shia doctrine and in the following the twelve Imamates. I felt this is very necessary, I felt it is my responsibility and duty to clarify this before I go on.

As for these kinds of rituals, these kinds of processions that are taking place, it is very important to know that the people there in Karbala, the people in Iran, in Tabriz, the people in the different provinces of the Islamic world, those who truly believe in Islam, those who truly believe in the dignity of the human being, they would always be ready to sacrifice themselves for the same cause that Imam Hussein and his family have sacrificed their lives for thirteen centuries ago.

This is something a very strong, a very clear message for everybody and it has been mentioned in the searches of the Western researchers. Those people mourn for Imam Hussein and cry for Imam Hussein and give the pledge to Imam Hussein as if he is living today with us. Why do they do that?

This is a cause of belief and faith and loyalty, loyalty to the Prophet, loyalty to the cause and to the true path of Allah, loyalty to Islam that all of the Muslims and all of those who are oppressed everywhere in the world, they will find Imam Hussein as their exemplary model, as their true guide in order to start the revolutions, to continue the revolutions, to believe in themselves and to succeed.

Now the message, the very important message, the very clear message that we can take out of these processions, taking place in different places, I can tell you even here in Lebanon towards the noon in Lebanon, east of Lebanon in Baalbek city, it is the place where most of the captives of the Ahlulbayt, the progeny were taken when they were brought from Kufa along to Nasibin in Turkey, along to Aleppo, to Lebanon, to Baalbek and then to Damascus.

People now in Lebanon, tens of thousands are moving now to that place. The weather is very, very cold and the lands are all filled with snow. They are not going. They are children, they are elderly, they are youngsters, they are other age, they all go there to give this pledge of allegiance to Imam Hussein that they are ready there to sacrifice on the same true path that he sacrificed for 13 centuries ago.

This tells a very strong clear message. The cause is the cause, the people are the people that everywhere we have Karbala, all of the lands are going to be Karbala, all the people are going to be Husseinis, all the days are going to be Ashura as long as there are oppressors and oppression taking place in this world.

The message for all of the oppressed, not only for the Shiites, not only for the Muslims, not only for the Christians or those followers of the divine religions, it is for all mankind that as long as you venerate, respect and continue to attach yourself to Imam Hussein, you are going to succeed and you are going to get victory.
