AhlulBayt News Agency

source : al Manar

30 November 2011

8:30:00 PM

Zionist Massacres .. Never to Forget, Never to Forgive

Over the history, the old aging Arab - Israeli conflict is not only considered the longest for exceeding sixty continuous years, but it is also featured by touching the strategic, political, military, economic and cultural aspects of the countries involved.

(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Over the history, the old aging Arab - Israeli conflict is not only considered the longest for exceeding sixty continuous years, but it is also featured by touching the strategic, political, military, economic and cultural aspects of the countries involved.Starting from the First Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland in 1897, treachery and conspiracy were sparked to the peaceful people and the nation that were not have picked a breather after the first episodes of Sykes - Picot, which divided the Arab world and confiscated the decision of our people and the wealth of our nation.Then came the British promise to create a homeland for the Jews in Palestine, the most serious and impudent promise at all in the political history of mankind, followed by facilitating migration of young Jews, along with armed and trained elements across the sea to Palestine, providing them with power and weapons, while chasing the Palestinian revolts should they fought in defense of themselves...“Massacre” in the Zionist IdeologyWriting history of massacres differs from that of any other event, not only because the researcher at every stage discovers certain facts or faces specific obstacles, but because massacres have their known starts and unknown endings; Those who have lived or stayed alive do not live as others live, their life is always affected, evolved, changed, not as they want, but as the painful memories take them back toward that tragic experience.Talking about the Israeli occupation massacres is usually linked to specific massacres such as Deir Yassin, or Sabra and Shatila, or historical periods or figures, or sometimes certain Israeli groups which had the greater role in those bloody events. However, a glance at recent history is enough to recognize that the massacres are continuous and not limited to a specific period of time, but they were perpetrated by different Israeli terrorist organizations.Killing Palestinians is not a crime in Israeli eyes, it is rather an essential part of a society’s culture based on the principle of Occupation; Accepting the possibility of committing a massacre is not out of question as well, due to the military culture of the Israeli society, since the leaders of Zionist terrorism became elected prime ministers just like the Supreme Commander of the terrorist Arjun gang Menachem Begin, leader of the Stern Gang Yitzhak Shamir, Moshe Dayan and others who sought to maintain the "purity of Israeli arms." The term that had been soon admitted to be false by Zionist think-tankers after al-Nakba Archive been unfolded and official reports of Zionist gangs’ wars been declassified, the gangs which formed the core of the Israeli army later on.1948 and BeforeAlthough most of the Zionist massacres documented in modern history before the creation of the occupying entity were committed during the years 1947 and 1948, some had been documented before that era, and perhaps the first was the market bomb blast in the city of Haifa on 6/3/1937.Most probably that other massacres had been committed before that date, but the difficulty of documentation and the lack of accurate figures and statistics resulted in our lack of information. However, the estimated number of massacres committed by Zionist gangs in the period of 1937-1948 exceeds 75 carnages which claimed the lives of more than five thousand Palestinians and wounded thousands others.The period of 1947-1948 was the peak of those massacres, which the Arabs call as "Nakba", and the Israelis as "the war of independence". Historical reviews for the events of those two bloody years have shown that what happened was more like an ethnic cleansing or genocide.The Palestinian Return Center documented the destruction of 531 Palestinian villages and the expulsion of its inhabitants, including 270 village abandoned by its residents because of direct military attack, and 122 village inhabitants were expelled by the occupying forces. The source also documented more than 200 war crimes and 34 massacres committed against civilians or prisoners during the years 1947-1948, 17 massacres of which were committed during the British mandate and 17 others after the British evacuation.1949 – 1967After the foundation of the occupying entity, the Zionist authority claimed that the massacres which occurred during the previous two years were carried out by a dissident military division. Yet, the massacres witnessed during the fifties inside and outside the Green Line, confirmed that - beyond any doubt - the arab world was facing the establishment of a State of terrorists, which does not differ from military bands.Despite that the carnages witnessed at that time were less than those in the previous period, they were not less barbarous and most of them were mainly based on the element of surprise. Nineteen massacres are estimated, while all committed in the areas of West Bank and Gaza Strip, claiming the lives of more than 1500 Palestinians.Modern Era of KillingThe year 1967, formed a watershed between two phases; the first where unlimited massacres were committed to expel most Arabs as possible to establish an occupying Jewish state. And the second where the occupation practices become accessible to the media, and a threat to the "image" of the entity before the global public opinion.Moreover, this did not prevent the Occupation from continuing aggressive attacks. Between 1967 and 2000, a large number of carnages were committed, targeting mostly Palestinian refugees outside the occupied Palestinian territories, and then inside the Palestinian borders with the start of the first intifada in 1987.Those massacres had martyred large number of Arabs especially with the use of more advanced weapons. With the massacre of Sabra and Shatila (1982), Al-Aqsa Massacre (1990) and the Ibrahimi Mosque (1994), the widespread media material became an element of pressure on the occupation authorities, which caused the formation of inquiry commissions in this regard.Till the year 2000, the Zionist killing machine had claimed the lives of more than 2110 Arab citizens, who were martyred by the Israeli bombings and shelling in Palestine, Lebanon and Tunisia, while targeting Palestinian refugees across the Arab world. Not to forget the July war 2006 on Lebanon which martyred 1,400 Lebanese, and the wars on the Gaza Strip in 2006, 2008 (Hot Winter) and 2009 (Cast Lead).The criminal doctrine upon which the occupying entity is based, does not respect the right of others of life and does not hesitate to do anything to satisfy its barbarism, it is the entity which commits massacres individually and collectively, which does not differ today from that which committed the massacres of 1948, while its leaders are warmly welcomed in major world capitals, and some of them has got the Nobel Peace Prize.The victims of the Zionist occupation massacres are not killed only once, they are killed at the moment of martyrdom, and killed another in a time where free voices cannot speak out for truth to convict killers. It is time for the international community to carry responsibility toward its obligations, resolutions and the Bill of Rights. It should stop its double-standard principle of solving issues, and not to be biased for the executioner against the victim.