AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Press TV

29 September 2011

8:30:00 PM

Unholy acts committed in the Holy Land

How strange! every other day we boast about discovering a new planet or objects in the outer space but in all these years of our existence on earth have failed to discover true freedom and peace which are the most important to us. Strangely, all nations promise peace, liberty, equality and fraternity to its citizens. But most of them fail to uphold these ideals when it comes to people on the other side of the fence or sometimes the very natives to whom the land belongs.

(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Sixty three years of unjustified occupation, one blockade upon another, one shell after another. Innocent people separated from their families, imprisoned, tortured and killed. My pen falls short of words to explain the plight of my brothers and their families in Palestine. The illegitimate Zionist Regime of Israel has stained its hands with millions of innocent blood. As you read this article Israel is busy dropping bombs, killing and arresting innocent civilians in West Bank, Gaza and other illegally occupied parts of Palestine. However powerful Israel might portray itself to be, its bullets and bombs have failed to silence the voice of millions of Palestinians whose desire for freedom has only grown with each passing day.

As the day is approaching for Palestine to be finally free, the desperation of the oppressors is becoming clearer than ever. The last few days have not only given sleepless nights to the tyrant Zionist regime but also their accomplices sitting in Washington and London. The coming days are a litmus test for these so called champions of freedom and human rights, their vote or veto will prove whether they practice what they preach. Throughout the last sixty three years history has been a witness to the hypocrisy of these super powers in dealing with the subjugated people of Palestine.

When you flip through the pages of Palestinian history you realize that it is written not with ink but blood. The holy land witnessed a great deal of injustice and bloodshed at the hands of their occupiers. In 1897 the Zionist movement in Europe met and declared that it will form a Jewish state in Palestine, after the meeting two rabbis were sent to Palestine to see what the country was like, they reported back "The bride is beautiful but she is married to another man." As against the widely accepted notion that the formation of Israel was a direct effect of Hitler's torture of the Jews, the fact is that the blueprint for Israel was drawn much before the Second World War and Hitler's act of violence was just an excuse to put this plan into action. The land purchases and migration which began on a large scale after the 1930 had made Israel so strong that in 1948 they had built a nation within that of others, this day marked the beginning of the intelligently planned and wisely executed persecution of the Palestinians that exists till today.

When the United Nations declared that it would divide Palestine into two states, one Jewish the other Arab, there was delight in Israel but it spelled doom for the Palestinians. More than half of the land was given to Israel even though they owned only 10 percent of the land, and there were two times as many Arabs. On 15 of May 1948 the day Israel was officially declared a sovereign nation marked the beginning of the Arab- Israel war. God bless the United Nations for its one month ceasefire that helped Israel re-arm itself and thanks to Arabs for their disunity and lack of trust for each other, Israel emerged victorious. This victory resulted in the fleeing of seven hundred thousand Palestinians who had to choose between their land and life, they selected the latter. Till today they are being persecuted for no fault of theirs. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran once remarked, "The holocaust took place in Europe what was the fault of Palestinians in the Middle East, why should their lives be sacrificed for someone else's fault".

True, even if we accept that the nation of Israel deserves to exist because Hitler tormented and killed them, history says that approximately thirty eight million people were killed in the Second World War and about one million and two hundred thousand of them were Jews. Why don't they speak about the rest of them, were they not human beings? Till today, the tyrant Zionist regime has rejected all calls to stop settling Jewish migrants on Palestinian lands, whether it is the United Nations or the global community all their calls have fallen on deaf ears.

 The world is changing and so are its people, unlike the past the Palestinian leaders have united and have decided to fight the battle together keeping aside their parties and their ideologies and today Palestine has the support of not only its Arab neighbors but many other countries of the world, and Israel has more enemies than it had sixty years back, for example its neighbor Egypt which was an ally till yesterday is now a sworn enemy of the Zionist regime. The al- Quds day that was started by Imam Khomeini has spread the awareness of the cause that irrespective of religion, nationality and race we are one family and it is our duty to stand up for one another. The world is eagerly awaiting to witness justice being done to the suppressed people of the holy land.

 Having written this article I was sipping my coffee next to the window and wondering how in all these years the Palestinians have not lost their hope for freedom, before I could put my cup down I heard a commotion from the terrace of the opposite building. A few men were putting up a hoarding of a smiling young man, an Iranian soldier who was martyred during the eight years of Saddam's war against Iran. Above the photo was a beautiful quote which read:

"Death with dignity is better than life with humility," Imam Hussein (PBUH).
