It is a night of blessings, a night of freedom, a night where Allah grants every desire,
Laylat-ul-Bara’a, in the middle of Sha'ban, is a night which can elevate the momin's soul higher.
The acts for this night are thoughtful and many: salaat, dua, ziyarah and recitation from The Book,
We repeat these acts undoubtedly each year, yet have we ever taken a closer look...
At the blessed words that sit upon our lips, words of Allah and Al-Ma'soomeen that bring tears to the eyes?
When we contemplate their meanings, significance and status, we break all worldly and other ties.
Three times we recite that beautiful Surah, for long life, prosperity and safety from all,
Types of tragic misfortune or calamities which can, upon anyone at anytime descend or fall.
It is the heart of the Quran, that opens with, a name of our Master--the one called Yasin,
And of course this Surah, does mention his brother, that Lion who is called Imam-im-Mubin.
These two cannot be separated you see, for they are two halves of one Light, Perfect and Clear.
So cling to their love on this and every night, as was the Divine calling on the day of Ghadeer.
On this night the doors of forgiveness are open, and blessings, grace, and all goodness--Ihsan.
Open are the gates to Tawbah, repentance, to gain the Pleasure of Allah, the cherished Ridhwan.
We recite Tasbeeh many times over, SubhanAllah, Alhamdolillah, Allaho Akbar we say,
La ilaha illAllah falls off our tongues, as we perform the 'aamal in the prescribed way.
How can I express the important of Tasbeeh: its value is beyond any count or measure,
These short simple phrases are the very keys, to the Almighty Creator's Divine Pleasure.
There is one who was gifted with this Tasbeeh, from Allah through His Prophet it was received,
Raadhiyatul Mardhiya is that Fatima, through her pleasure the Ridhwan of Allah is achieved.
We read a du’a which reflects the peak of 'irfan, every sentence calls out to the Everlasting Light,
The du’a of Khidhr was taught by my Maula, to his companion Kumayl on this very night.
In the Masjid of Basra was Amir-ul-Momineen, it was during sujood that he recited this prayer,
The Perfect ‘Abid, Al-Insaan Al-Kamil, told Kumayl to memorize its words with care.
Am kayfa askunu fin-naari, wa rajaa-i ‘afwuk, hear the words my Amir does profess,
O Allah how can I remain in the fire, when I have hopes of Your forgiveness?
The du’a teaches one to account for oneself, while yearning to reach the Creator Divine.
When taken to heart, and understood with the mind, its Holy words are means for the soul to refine.
The best place to be on this blessed night, is that heaven on Earth, namely, Karbala,
And what a heaven it is, as each and every Prophet, does visit Al-Husayn for his ziyarah.
With the permission of Allah, each Prophet descends, can you imagine the beauty of such a scene?
This is the rank of Sayyid ash-Shuhada, for surely he is the Savior of Allah’s Deen.
Imam Al-Husayn is the protector of Truth, but there is one final Guide for whom we all wait,
Al-Husayn’s son, heir to each Prophet and Imam, is that Awaited Proof of this Path that is Straight.
Centuries ago, in a house, in secrecy, at a time which was neither night nor morn,
That time of fajr, was one in which, this HujjatAllah, Al-Mahdi, was born.
Before his birth, my master spoke, reciting Al-Qadr through his given power,
With the full moon of Sha’ban in the sky above, this surely was a most blessed hour.
After his birth, my noble Lady, Sayyida Hakima, then took him to see,
His father, the Master of that time, Imam Al-Hasan, the one called ‘Askari.
The first words that Al-Mahdi spoke to his father, were these words of Al-’Aziz ul-Hakim,
He began in the name of Allah, of course, stating Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem.
Wa nureedo an namunna ‘alalladheena-stud’ifu fil ardhi; wa naj’alahum aimmatan wa naj’alahumul waritheen. (28:5)
Can you feel the power in this statement? It is a future vision, for a time foreseen.
And we desire to show favor to those oppressed in the earth, and to make them Imams, and to make them the heirs,
For the chosen of Allah, the righteous proofs and Ma’soom, in that time, the earth will truly be theirs.
This night, therefore has a purpose so great, the last Light emerged to live on this land,
That righteous sun will disperse the clouds, when he is given Allah’s command.
Allahuma bihaqqi laylatina hadha wa mauloodiha, we recite the du’a that begins like this,
We ask Allah for His Bounties, Mercy and Protection, and for Him to fulfill that stated Promise.
O Allah for the sake of the night we are now in, and for the sake of he was born in it,
We seek nearness to Allah, through remembrance of His Proof, as we gather together and sit.
This world exists because of our Imam; without a Proof on Earth, the land itself would crumble,
We wait for him to establish justice and honor, just as we wait for the tyrants to tumble.
On this night, do ask your wishes and thoughts, pray for your family and friends, each person in turn,
And also pray for the relief of your nafs, which is only through Al-Mahdi’s fated return.
Katabtu ilayka ya Maulaya, I have written to you my Master, says your areedha, your letter,
Discuss your problems and your condition, and request your Imam to make them better.
My wish is that on this Holy Night, every person should pray for the Imam to reveal,
That secret which is kept in his knowledge, which time and history were meant to conceal.
Only he will show us that location, the grave, the Holy ground where his mother does rest,
Don’t you wish to cover your face with its dirt, as you cry and hit your sunken chest?
Fatima-tuz-Zahra has many secrets, can we even recognize her spiritual rank?
I say, that being her servant is enough, and for this, it is Allah whom I truly thank.
On this Holy Night, of the fifteenth, do any other such nights come to your mind?
Nights spent in worship, and in remembrance, where your destiny is set and defined?
The nights of Qadr and this special night, may be separate, but somehow I am drawn,
to read Surat-al-Qadr and Surat-ad-Dukhan and look at these verses from the Quran:
Inna anzalnaaho fi laylatil qadr: Verily we have sent it down on the Night of Power, we read,
Imam As-Sadiq says one who understands this Night, has understood the mystery concealed in Fatima, indeed.
Inna anzalnaaho fi laylatin mubarakah, Verily we revealed it on a blessed night, says Allah,
And Mubarakah is a name, one of nine that was given, by the Almighty Himself to the blessed Fatima.
One night may have more blessings; one may have more power and control over fate,
But it is Sayyida who is the secret behind, these special nights, no matter the date.
She is the center of Ahlulbayt, the reason for all creation, this is what I state during this Holy Sha’ban,
And to know and share more of her Holy Essence, is my duty for this coming Shahru Ramadhan... ... ./129