AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Agencies

11 July 2011

7:30:00 PM

Islamic Resistance; When and Where? Here and Now!

When And Where are the Natives of this world Winning Wars? When and Where are Arabs Winning Wars over colonizers? When and Where are imperialism and colonialism being defeated? ...

(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - When And Where are the Natives of this world Winning Wars? When and Where are Arabs Winning Wars over colonizers? When and Where are imperialism and colonialism being defeated? When and Where was registered the first victory over colonialism in this century? When and Where people are fighting and standing with no compromise and no concessions? When and Where Israel is withdrawing shamefully leaving its invincible tanks burning in the battlefield? When and Where the Zionist usurper State has been defeated by a handful of committed freedom fighters? When and Where colonized, invaded assaulted people of a so called small or weak country recovered intact their land and property and resumed their lives full of dignity relying on their own capacity and resources and not on UN resolutions that never materialized? When and Where Independence and Autonomy were achieved? ? When and Where the enemies of all people were taught an unforgettable lesson? When and Where? When and Where? When and Where?


Long Live the Resistance! Long live the Lebanese Resistance! Long live all Resistances! Resistance is an expression of life and of courage and of the togetherness of the creation with the creator. Salutations to this invincible Resistance that shall triumph over all obstacles and impediments. God bless the Invincible Lebanese Resistance!

What did this Resistance discover? What did this Resistance find? This Resistance found and discovered itself , whatever you are and wherever you are, you are not abandoned; you only get yourself abandoned by breaking the laws of your own sanity; get up and fulfill the duty fallen upon you. Be true to yourself be a Man of God. You are not summoned to a new religion; you are summoned to your own.

Fie to those who do not support fully this blessed Resistance that is leading the battle for Liberation. Fie to those who- for sectarian reasons or unexplained prejudices or lack of awareness - plot against this Holy Resistance and its allies fulfilling the World Order scheme that wants to get rid of all righteous causes under the pretext of implementing fake freedom and false democracy and distorted justice brought along with depleted uranium! Shame to the traitors to the Arab and human cause hiding behind democratic fake slogans betraying the righteous cause and serving Israel and the World Order under the pretext of fighting dictatorships or working for International justice! Those shall reap nothing but the treason they sowed, the Resistance shall stay, strong, steadfast, independent, autonomous, just, dignified and full of faith because this is how it is made and how the genuine committed people are.

Long Live the Resistance Long Live Life.
