AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Palestine info

22 June 2011

7:30:00 PM

Open letter to Erdogan : say "NO" to Israel 's new solicitations

Seeking to restore erstwhile good relations with Turkey, Israeli prime Minister Benymain Netanyahu has asked Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to forget the past and turn over a new leaf in Israeli-Turkish relations....

(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Seeking to restore erstwhile good relations with Turkey, Israeli prime Minister Benymain Netanyahu has asked Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan  to forget the past and turn over a new leaf  in  Israeli-Turkish relations.
Last year, Netanyahu ordered the Israeli navy to massacre Turkish activists en route to the Gaza Strip to show solidarity with the  estimated 1.6 million blockaded  Gazans  for daring to try to free themselves from  Jewish-Zionist oppression and subjugation.
At  least nine Turks were murdered in cold blood  in the gruesome massacre for which Israel is yet to  apologize. Some Orthodox rabbinic  authorities don't  recognize non-Jews  as fully human and  see their  lives as having no  sanctity, especially in  comparison to Jews.
There is no doubt that  Israel seriously miscalculated  Turkish reactions both to brazen Israeli  interference in Turkey's internal affairs and also the Nazi-like treatment  Israel  was (and still is ) meting out to Israel's subjects and  neighbors, especially in  the  Gaza Strip and Southern Lebanon.
In  Turkey, Israel attempted to  undercut  Erdogan's Justice and  Development party by  instructing  the pro-Zionist Masonic  arm  to destabilize the  government. It  also  tried to  incite the  historically-secular military establishment against new quasi-Islamic rulers. In several  instances, Israeli agents  asked some  high  ranking  Turkish officers to disobey and  overrule their government.
Turkey made some strenuous efforts to mediate between Israel  and some of her neighbors.
However, instead of walking in the path of peace, Israel  sought relentlessly to exterminate Lebanese and  Palestinians in  the thousands. This genocidal approach toward  the very  people with whom Israel claims to want to make  peace reached  a high  point in 2008-09 when the Israeli  army, navy  and air force carried out a blitzkrieg against  the Gaza Strip, killing, incinerating and  maiming thousands and  destroying tens  of thousands of homes throughout the coastal enclave.
Less than two years earlier, Israel dropped between 2-3 million cluster bomb-lets over southern Lebanon, causing incalculable damage.
One doesn't have to be a great mathematician to calculate that 2-3 million bombs can kill or maim  2-3 million children. This is at least  half-a holocaust by the Israeli Jewish standards.
Now, all the pornographic murder and destruction the Israeli war machine was inflicting on basically innocent, helpless and unprotected civilians were being watched on TV screens around the world.
Among  the viewers who had "a wonderful time" watching the very  people who boast about being  "the light upon the nations" have a free season on Palestinian and Lebanese children, were  75 million Turks.  
 They watched with seething anger their coreligionists in Gaza and southern Lebanon being   slaughtered like  sheep while the emulators of the Third Reich were shouting  terror! Hamas! Auschwitz and anti-Semitism.
Israeli barbarianism is not a thing of the past. Israel  continues to commit  real  crimes against the Palestinian people every minute, every hour,  and every day. Criminality is  Israel's  modus operandi  and  dishonesty is her ultimate policy.
My grandfather was an officer in the Ottoman army.  He viewed the Ottoman state as our state, the Ottoman Sultan as our Sultan. His loyalty to the Ottoman state was an inextricable part of his loyalty to Islam.
In 1953, the newly established Israeli army killed my three uncles Hussein, Mahmoud and Yousuf  in a single day. And until this moment, the Israeli state never said sorry. It seems  "mea culpa" doesn’t exist in Hebrew.
When will Israel express real regret let alone apologize for her crimes? Perhaps when kosher pigs fly! 
Today, Israel spares no chance to decapitate any conceivable chances for peace. In the West Bank, Israel allows the Nazi-like thugs, also known as settlers, to harass, brutalize and murder unarmed Palestinian villagers and peasants in order to force them to leave their ancestral homeland.
 Moreover, these murderous thugs from Russia, North America and Eastern Europe routinely attack and torch mosques, thinking that by so doing they will please the Almighty.
More to the point, Netanyahu is  still maintaining  Israel's  nefarious siege on the Gaza Strip and  preventing  building  materials from  getting into  the coastal enclave.
This shows that Israel  is not only destroying people's  homes; it  is  also  preventing them from  rebuilding  them.
Israel doesn't want to restore relations with Turkey so that the latter would have certain leverage or  help in  peace efforts which Israel never wasted a chance to scuttle and kill.
The truth of the matter is that Israel simply would like to use relations with Turkey to counter balance the new political realities in the Arab world, especially Egypt.
More to the point, Israel hopes that next time Israel commits genocide in Gaza or elsewhere, Turkey will show minimal public indignation.
I know I have no right to interfere in the affairs of a sovereign state. However, Turkey is not just another state, and the Palestinians are not just another people.
Hence, I would like to remind my brother  Recep Teyyip Erodogan  not to be tricked by the this pathological liar in occupied Jerusalem who thinks that lying is the best policy especially in dealing with " sheepish" Gentiles whom the Almighty created solely to serve the master race!!!
Sir, Don't be cajoled or  deceived by this liar, who practices  mendacity as often as he breathes the oxygen of life,   and  his ministers who  really deeply hate Turkey in their hearts,  especially a Turkey that values truth,  freedom and justice.

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