AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Press TV

13 June 2011

7:30:00 PM

The Differences of Arab Spring and Syria Unrest

The unrest in Syria differs from the Arab uprisings since it is a 'conspiracy' from foreign intervention attempting to 'reshape' the country's political structure, a political analyst says.

(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - In the latest attempts, Washington and Tel Aviv are hatching plots to reignite the flames of unrest in Syria through smuggling weapons into the Arab country via the autonomous Kurdish region in northern Iraq.

The Syrian government has repeatedly blamed foreign infiltrators and extremist groups for killing civilians and security forces, and creating chaos in the Middle Eastern country.

In an interview Essam Takroori, a political analyst in the Syrian capital, Damascus, shed more light on the issue.

Q: In terms of the situation in Syria, it has been compared to the other Arab uprisings as if it was one of them. What do you think makes this different to the other Arab uprisings?

Takroori: The main difference with the uprisings, and what is so called an uprising in Syria is really different, because Syria is different from the other Arab countries. Syria is not an ally to the United States, but the other Arab countries such as Tunisia and Egypt, they are the main allies of the Unites States in the region.

That's because the difference between the uprisings that we have seen in Tunisia and in Egypt, and what is happening now in Syria, is that it shows that the international community has decided to have a shift or move from the policy of containment of Syria to the policy of war against Syria, because there is a close cooperation between the United States and Turkey in order to lead what is happening now in Syria.

So, I can say that it's a conspiracy, but our people are really aware, and are comprehensive towards what's happening now.

Q: Please explain to us Turkey's role, Turkey has been blamed for weapons to flow into Syria. If you can, please explain Turkey's goals and its gains from Syria's instability?

Takroori:That's a good question, but let me mention that it's consistent to differentiate between the requsitionary movements from one hand and the armed gangs from the other. It's really important to have these differences from these two groups, because in the early days of the requisitionary movement, the demands of the people were legal and legitimate, and there was a response from the side of the Syrian leadership to these claims and to these demands, that's crucial, it very important to say that.

About your question, the role of Turkey in what's happening now in Syria, I think Turkey now committed a deadly mistake in dealing with Syria, such as its dealing now, because Turkey, now, is in a in a breach of their duties, in a breach of the commitments, the international commitment and regional commitment, in dealing so with Syria.

That means that Turkey adopts the international points of view towards Syria, and really that's odd, because what we have witnessed during the three or four years could say something else, because we know that the personal friendship between [Syrian] President [Bashar al-] Assad and the [Turkish Prime Minister] Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and [Turkish President Abdullah] Gul was really close.

So, Turkey, now, tried to say to the Unites States, I am the key player in the region and if you want to reshape this region, I can be beneficial for your policy, but for what price in my opinion. The price in my opinion is to have another leadership, a pro-Turkish leadership, and in the same way that this leadership has been created, in other ways, to have a moderate Muslim leadership in Syria.

So, in my opinion, that's why Turkey adopts, now, the American pointy of view. And on the other hand, it's really important to say that they have no problem to have a good relationship with Israel.

So, this connection between the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria and Turkey could say that, in the future, they could be another leadership, pro-Turkey and pro-Muslim Brotherhood, and this leadership is going to have a good relationship with Israel and that's what the Syrian people refuse.
