AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Islam Times

5 June 2011

7:30:00 PM

What happened in Taiz, south of Yemen, are genocide crimes against humanity

The International Friends of Humanity Organization described the killing that happened in Taiz south of the country as crimes against humanity and organization expressed shock to the killing of so many peaceful demonstrators...

(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - The Vienna-based organization said in its report that "Saleh’s forces have consistently and since the beginning of the rights and freedom movement "continued to use firearms to confront the demonstrators, shelling and sniping the protesters targeting the victims in the areas of head, neck, and chest, detained the wounded, committed arbitrary arrests of medical personnel and demonstrators, used brutal mercenaries for the suppression of the protesters, harassed journalists to tighten on them their freedom to cover stories and killed, arrested and beat a number of them, as well as deported some of the journalists that arrived. There have also been attempts to block news and information sites on the Internet and other violations.They noted that "the bombing and the horrific mass killings committed by government forces against peaceful demonstrators, as well as its shelling, destruction and burning of tents, cars and public property and looting of hospitals in the vicinity of Square where the sit-in takes place in the city of Taiz are crimes against humanity."They explained "We were shocked by so many deaths of peaceful protesters in particular thirteen physically disabled people, two doctors who are working to rescue the injured, as well as the arrest of a number of doctors, paramedics and wounded from the field hospital there."The organization, in its report, demanded that the Yemeni president and the Yemeni government stop all forms of repression and restrictions on freedom of expression in Yemen, as well as to stop invading and bombing sit-in yards, suppressing the demonstrators and guaranteeing the right of freedom of expression to all the masses and citizens. They demanded that those responsible for the killings and the perpetrators should be relayed to the courts and legal sanctions against them should be enforced. They stressed the need to treat all protesters and political detainees according to law provisions, to ensure they are not subjected to any physical abuse or psychological pressure, and their immediate release and return to their families and homes. The organization warned against the abusive treatment of medical staff, ambulance crews, hospital personnel, and demanded the immediate release of detainees who work in it, and allowing the full rights of the media coverage of the facts and all the protests with absolute freedom and transparency.
