AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Tehran Times

30 May 2011

7:30:00 PM

Democrophobia in Saudi Arabia

Why did Saudi Arabia invade Bahrain? Does the House of Saud have some great affection for the Al Khalifa royal family of Bahrain? Of course they don’t.

(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - They are just afraid that their own citizens might get some ideas.

The fact that the absolute monarchy system in Bahrain is in danger and may be abolished very soon and replaced by a constitutional monarchy or a republic has scared the daylights out of the House of Saud.

They are terrified that these ideas are contagious. And thus the invasion of Bahrain is an attempt to nip things in the bud. Saudi Arabia invaded Bahrain out of fear of democracy.

And this democrophobia is a serious problem in Saudi Arabia and the entire Arab world.

It even goes beyond this, since it could also be said that the Arab rulers are also suffering from demophobia, which means fear of the people.

Indeed, democrophobia and demophobia are pandemic in the governments of the Arab world.

And as a matter of fact, most of the Westerners who claim to be promoting democracy in the Arab world are themselves suffering from democrophobia and demophobia.

After all, there is no real democracy in the Western world. The Western countries are run by the global ruling class, and they organize sham elections from time to time to create the illusion of democracy. They even pick the candidates and the winners ahead of time.

And it is this fake democracy that the West wants to import to the Islamic world, not real democracy.

The so-called Western liberal democracies are neither liberal nor are they democracies.

And then they have the nerve to say that Islamic civilization and democracy are incompatible.

Yet, from the advent of Islam, Muslims have believed in the concept of establishing governments through shura, which means consultation or council.

It is true that the Islamic world has rarely had Islamic shura democracy governments, but the concept exists in Islamic ideology and it is a lie to say that Islam and democracy are incompatible.

Islamic shura democracy will eventually come to the Arab world and the entire Islamic world. It is only a matter of time.

The rulers of the countries of the Arab world must understand that the Arab spring has arrived and will soon be in full bloom and there is no turning back the clock. You can’t hold back the tide of history, no matter how hard you try.
