AhlulBayt News Agency

source : kayhanintl

30 October 2010

8:30:00 PM

Historical and epic trip of Imam Khamenei to the holy city of Qom;

Does It Get Any Better Than This?!

1-Over the past few days, foreign and Persian speaking media outlets have had an extensive coverage of the historical and epic trip made by our Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei to the holy city of Qom.

These media outlets include Radio Farda (CIA’s Persian language radio), Radio America, BBC Radio (of British Foreign Ministry), Radio Israel, Radio Zamaneh (of the Netherlands Foreign Ministry and managed by Elizabeth Cheney – Dick Cheney’s daughter), Al-Arabia (of Saudi Arabia), Jarasnews.com (of British MI6), Balatarin.com (of Manusheh Amir), and News.gooya.com (of CIA), among many others. Examples of their reports include:

-“A reliable source in Qom told the reporter of Radio America that Ayatollah Mousa Shobeiri Zanjani, an influential religious authority, refused to meet with Ayatollah Khamenei. However, the police raided his classroom and forcefully took him to meet with Ayatollah Khamenei (something similar to abduction). Ayatollah Shobeiri was fuming and protested the moment he met Khamenei. Reports coming from Qom suggest that other anti-regime religious authorities were treated the same way!”-“A report just received by Radio Farda suggests that Ayatollah Lotfollah Safi Golpaygani has been threatened by the secret police and pro-Khamenei agents. According to the same report, these people insisted that Golpaygani meet with Khamenei but he refused. However, given the immense pressures, he might also be forced to see Khamenei just like Ayatollah Shobeiri Zanjani!”

-“A number of religious authorities of Qom met with Ayatollah Khamenei, but later in a show of defiance they went to several mosques, including the Chahar Mardan and the Grand Mosque, to throw in their religious thesis (books). A source whose name cannot be disclosed for fear of persecution by the secret police and the Revolutionary Guard Corps, said there are many books piled up in the mosques, which are now being collected by pro-regime agents!”

And these are just some of the examples of what the above-mentioned media had to say about the Leader’s trip to Qom.

2-Almost two years ago, CNN sent its correspondent to report on the 10th presidential race in Iran. He had an exclusive interview with me regarding the foreign media, websites and Persian language satellite TV and radio channels run by opposition groups (that were few at that time). I told the reporter: “If I were in charge of the Iranian government, I would have allocated greater budgets for all anti-Islamic Republic and opposition groups.”

Obviously surprised, the CNN reporter said, “But this is a serious question.” I said, “And my answer is also serious. If you knew how foolish is the enemy and how valuable this could be, then you would have done the same thing i.e., offering them greater financial support, helping them to expand and grow, and allocating them a greater budget to produce even more ‘stupid enemies.’”

3-Think about all those news and reports that are still being published by foreign media and the opposition groups in support of the so-called reformist camp. Would you ever doubt that it is indeed a blessing to have stupid enemies? Imam Sajjad (AS) always thanked God for having so many “stupid enemies”.

Foreign media claim that “millions were forcefully taken to Qom to greet Ayatollah Khamenei where they were also treated to free food and drinks!” In other words, without even getting any pay for propagating the Islamic Republic, they candidly admit that millions turned up to greet the Leader. How ironic that even enemies can accept a truth as such!

Foreign media also claim that “the well-wishers were paid generously to be there!” In other words, they further admit that the Islamic Republic has been extremely successful in managing such a huge crowd. But how?!

Isn’t it praiseworthy to organize and manage millions of well-wishers, treat them to free food, pay them generously, and at the same time leave no shred of evidence behind?! The opposition and the foreign media always accuse the Islamic Republic of mismanaging the country. If that is the case, then how can they explain such a powerful and unique system of management as well?

The stupid enemies have always made up with false news and reports to poke repulsive accusations against the Iranian nation. In their views – excuse my language – people here could forgo their beliefs and values for free food and drink! If this is what they believe – and they do so, how come the Western world, with the United States, Britain and Israel at the forefront, have not been able to do a damn thing (a famous quote from the late Imam Khomeini) to Iran despite the utilization of all their financial, military, political and propaganda resources and efforts?

If as they claim, the Iranian nation is not that wise, how come they are still spending billions of dollars in a psychological warfare and in collaboration with anti-Iran TV and radio channels and websites to mislead them in the first place?

In fact, they did the same thing during last year’s unrests over the result of the presidential race. The US, the European Union, Israel and certain regional states worked hand in hand in order to bring everyone on board against the Islamic Republic, including all terrorist and opposition groups, the reformist camp, Mojahedeen Khalgh Organization, Baha’is, Royalists, Marxists, Capitalists, and all other enemies and allies. Yet in the end, all they got was a disgraceful defeat and a crushing response. Didn’t they?!

4-The so-called “reliable sources” have reported that great religious authorities such as Ayatollah Shobeiri Zanjani and Safi Golpaygani were forced and threatened to meet with the Supreme Leader?! These baseless lies are disrespect to these grand religious authorities. Aren’t they? How dare they question the courage and the wisdom of these scientific and religious authorities? How dare they compare their despicable personalities with these great religious authorities?!

We leave it to another time and opportunity to talk about the divine motives behind the historical meeting between the Supreme Leader and the great religious authorities in Qom.

5-To come to the point, Western media outlets refuse to come up with such ridiculous and incredible lies in order to shield their status and prestige. Instead, they employ trivial agents to do the job for them. For instance, Radio America does not report these lies in its English programs and news. The English language BBC World has a similar policy. Equally, American and European officials might also sponsor Persian speaking media outlets but they never make a comment on their false reports, since they don’t want to damage their position.

Last year, the state-funded Radio Zamaneh (of the Netherlands) dismissed several of Iranian staff. When they protested, the deputy foreign minister of Netherlands told them, “You are our slaves. And for the money you get from us, you must want what we want.”
