Few week ago marked the independence and celebration of the triumph of an Islamicrevolution that later defined the Iranian nation as pacesetter in regional power.Independence celebration is often a time for sober reflections and stock taking formost nations; whether the aims and objectives of nationhood were achieving or not. For us in Nigeria, the Islamic revolution in Iran was the greatest watershed in thehistorical development of the world geo-political configuration; not only did therevolution alter the global geopolitical hegemony, but, also, the revolution wasunprecedented in the history of tactical revolution we have seen over the years. Atthe time of the revolution; various revolutions had taken place from Russia 1917,Chinese 1948, and Cuba revolution in 1958 with almost the same tactics. Ironically,the Iranian Revolution was a product of general demonstration and strike actionsinspired by the spiritual guidance of 20th century Islamic revivalist Imam Ruhullah Khomeini.Taking a historical excursion into the anatomy of the Islamic revolution only leftus with admirations and wishful thinking for a nation that was once regarded as anextension of global economic exploitative tendency. Prior to the revolution, the Iranian nation was mere paper tiger in the Persian Gulf under the dictatorialleadership and spoilt child of imperialism; Mohammed Reza Pahlavi (Shah of Iran).The Shah was not only a puppet of international empire builders, but, he also lackthe much needed foresight and vision to ameliorate the crises of nation buildingfacing the Iranian nation. With military build-up and the dare-devil SAVAK securityoutfits; nobody dare criticized the over dominances, corruptions, immorality andexploitation in the land under his leadership. Out of this historical hopelessness;Allah raises a Light from His Mercy (Imam Ruhullah), to challenge this injustice andput the spoilt child under his feet and fear in his mind. The spread of attacked against the unpopular policies of the Shah by Imam, was aturning point in the hearts of the people; who are not only bewilder by the generalconfusions, frustrations, angers, despairs, poverty, amidst riches and resources,but, where surprised how there economy and resources were handed over to theAmericans and other powers by this spoilt child of yesterday colonialism.Revolution came without any signal or danger signs to the oppressors and theircollaborators. This was a revolution that was unprecedented in the historicaldevelopment of the world. A revolution that galvanized, energies, motivated and conscientized the people irrespective of religious permeations; but with the soleaimed of getting rid of the tyrant; and remained adherence to the spiritual guidanceof the Ruhullah. Today the story of this promising nation has change for good. Thespiritual guidance, foresight, vision, commitment and courage of the founder of theIslamic nation have not only changed the fortune of a nation, but, have lead to therevival of Islamic creeds as alternative to all the various ideological permutationsaround the world. This laid the foundation for Islamic government based on theShari’at. The spirit of Khomeinism started to spread all over the Islamic nations;which not only threatened the power based of the oppressors,but, also raise legitimates crises for the Prices’ and Kings in the Arabs peninsular. However, 20 years after the heavenly demised of Imam Khomeini; His Ghost through themercy of Allah SWT continue to guide the Islamic republic against internal andexternal forces that what to truncate the Islamic system. 31 years of keeping theIslamic flag flying high against conspiracy and determination to extinguish theflame of Islam called for greater celebration, prayers, dedication and courage onour part as Muslims to lend our support in words, writing and adhering to theteaching of our Imams to keep the flag of Islam flying amidst international unslotagainst Islam as exemplify by the Islamic Republic. The Islamic Republic of Iranhas fully grown into an adult to confront and display the misguided elder in the comity of nations, which have nothing to contribute to the world inhabitants apartfrom exploitation of their resources, wars and invasions, enslavement, demonizationof friendly nations, the spread of treachery and leniency in order to divide the world into a sphere of influence. The world has no peace just becausethese empire builders want to enslave us with their greed and appetites for morewealth. The Islamic Republic of Iran, has not only offers hope to the hopeless, but, hasalso given the people of the world a new taste of how Islamic creed can be used toenergies the people into purposeful action against oppression and injustice. Withthe re-election of President Mahmud Ahmadinajaed, the battle line has been drawbetween Light and darkness, honesty and dishonesty, patriotism and cowardice,spiritual fulfillment and sinful desires, management and mismanagement, passion forchange and passion for destruction and commitment for service and commitment forself enrichment. These lines of engagement will not only be an interesting world,but, will also shown to the whole Muslim world, that, with fear and commitment toAllah SWT and following the part of His Holy Prophet and members of his households,we can conquer our worst fear and challenges and defeats our enemies just like theHezbollah had done against the mighty army of Israel. The Iranian nation has withstood the challenges of our time, which make the Islamicrevolution 1979, a triumph for the underdeveloped and Islamic countries of theworld. For a nation that survived heavy sanctions and various economic blockades;but, yet was able to build and developed their country with 100% made in Iran goodsand services called for applauses from both friends and foes alike. This is aproduct of courage, determinations, commitment, honesty, purposeful leadership andspiritual guidance of the Supreme leader Sayyed Khamnani with Allah’s guidance, tobuild a solid nation out of the vamperious and anarchical global environment; wherethe stronger nations continue to strangulate and exploit the weaker nations. Finally, it is only ironical that, the Soviet Union had crumble, Cuba is in seriouseconomic crisis, North Korea has been isolated, and China has finally succumb to thecapitalist doctrine; but amidst this confusion in the global system, a horizonaround the Caspian sea a nuclear and Islamic oriented nation (Islamic Republic ofIran) is emerging to challenge global injustice and exploitation by few countriesthereby restoring the dignity of man, ensure justices and stabilize the worldinhabitant with love, respects, understanding, and equal development andopportunities for all. This is our prayers for the nation that promise to be a source of inspiration, reflections and model for we (Nigerians), members of failedand lost nations within the comity of global powers. We have nothing to say, than tocontinue to pray for the lives and protections of the Supreme leader and members ofhis committed Guardian councils, President Ahmadinajead the hero of the 21st century leadership development and members of the revolutionary guards fortheir unblushing efforts to protect the Islamic nation and their support,commitment and dedication in assisting the oppressed and subjugated people ofPalestine, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Iraq. May Allah SWT continue to guide, protect and bless them for service to His religion.May Allah give us, the onlookers the courage, determination and fear of Him tochallenge injustice in all ramifications and assist in the promotion and projectionof the religion of Allah SWT and make us among the helpers of the last savior ImamMahdi (AS), Amen.
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