AhlulBayt News Agency

source : khaleejtimes

15 June 2009

7:30:00 PM

UAE begins drive against H1N1 for Hajj pilgrims

The United Arab Emirates has started a drive to vaccinate Hajj pilgrims from the country to protect them from the potential threat of being contracted by H1N1 virus during their pilgrimage.

The competent health authorities in the UAE, in cooperation with the General Authority for Islamic Affairs and Awqaf, also completed a comprehensive health plan to deal with health emergencies that may occur due to potential spread of the pandemic flu virus during the current Hajj season.

The plan is evolved in cooperation with the Directorate of Health Affairs in the Holy Land to ensure the safety of pilgrims from UAE from the moment they leave for Makkah until they return home.

The plan aims to prevent the risk of the spread of the pandemic and reduce infections and mortality rate caused by the disease.

The designed plan will also support the effective epidemiological surveillance systems with its investigation in the communities and within the work environment during the pilgrimage season, as well as all the health service delivery units at the level of the UAE Hajj missions.

The plan also provides a system for effective management of possible disasters that may be brought out by the pandemic during the season.

The plan also aims to configure and manage a strategic stockpile of antiviral drugs and personal protective equipments, as well as other medical supplies along with the mobilisation of medical teams associated with the Hajj mission.

It also envisages enhancing the preparedness to treat the infected patients in coordination with health authorities in Saudi Arabia, in the event of an outbreak of the virus in the holy lands.

The operational plan of the campaign has been divided into three phases that include Pre-departure period, Hajj period and the Final phase. This is to ensure the safe return of pilgrims to the country after the performance of the pilgrimage rituals.

The pre-departure phase makes it mandatory that each pilgrim be vaccinated against H1N1 and the vaccinated pilgrim will be given a certificate, without which he/she will not be allowed to travel to perform the Hajj. This is in addition to the inoculation against meningitis, as per the rules of Saudi Arabia, while the seasonal flu vaccination will be voluntary.

UAE has begun the vaccination of pilgrims through the three centres in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, four centres in the Emirate of Dubai and 30 medical centers in the Northern Emirates.

The vaccine comes in the form of injections given in the muscle to help stimulate the immune system to produce antibodies to resist H1N1 in case of entry of the virus into the human body.

The vaccine contains a disabled virus and stimulating components as well as preservatives and is not considered complementary or part of a vaccine for seasonal influenza virus. The vaccine is not recommended for people who suffer allergy to eggs or are allergic to any kind of vaccine for seasonal flu, in case of which the matter should be reported to the health centres before receiving the vaccination.

The anticipated side effects are similar to that of the seasonal flu virus vaccine, which include a slight rise in temperature, pain in the body and strain that may continue for a few days after the vaccination, as well as pain at the place of injection. These symptoms are temporary and will disappear within a day or two of having the vaccine.

The country’s Higher Supervisory Committee for combating the disease has recommended the vaccination, specially targeting the pilgrims, pregnant women, healthcare personnel including medics and paramedics who come in contact with the patients, and children whose immune systems are weak.

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