AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Tehran Times Opinion Column

15 June 2009

7:30:00 PM

Obama sending confusing signals

U.S. President Barack Obama’s remarks about Iran have bewildered officials and political analysts, who had begun to think that there would finally be some new developments after 30 years of animosity between Tehran and Washington.

Unfortunately, Obama’s statements about Iran’s nuclear program are the same as those of his predecessor, George W. Bush. Since he was elected president, Obama has made some odd moves. For example, during Israel’s merciless blitzkrieg on Gaza, which ended just three days before he took office, he talked about everything except the Gaza war, saying that the United States has only one president at a time. In his speech in Prague on Sunday, people around the world were heartened when he said he would work for “a world without nuclear weapons” and that the United States, as a country with a massive nuclear arsenal and the only nation which had actually used nuclear weapons, has a “moral responsibility” to start taking steps now. His statement was interpreted as the voice of a philanthropist not a politician. However, he disappointed many officials and ordinary citizens around the world when he said his administration would pursue a cost-effective and proven missile defense system in Eastern Europe “as long as the threat from Iran persists.” As in the past, the chorus of baseless accusations against Iran will only please those groups inside and outside the United States that had started to feel uncomfortable about the possibility of a rapprochement between the two countries. Sending confusing and even contradictory signals will only complicate the situation and generate more mistrust. /106