AhlulBayt News Agency

source : IQNA

15 September 2024

7:59:29 AM

Personal Ethics/ Dangers of The Tongue

Islamic ethics urges avoiding idle talk

Idle talk is speaking words that have no legitimate worldly, spiritual, logical, or religious benefit in this world or the hereafter.

AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): Idle talk is speaking words that have no legitimate worldly, spiritual, logical, or religious benefit in this world or the hereafter.

Idle talk is also called “lust for words”. It is mentioned and warned against in Islamic ethics.

According to Islamic ethics, it has many negative consequences such as wasting life, humiliation in society, having to apologize to others, paving the way for sins of the tongue such as lying, slandering and backbiting, staying away from divine mercy, losing time for beneficial affairs, deviation, undermining the intellect, etc.

There is a wide range of idle talk, from talking about useless subjects to making redundant statements, asking inappropriate questions and offering complex arguments or theories to those who do not understand them.

Logically speaking, idle talk is unlawful because it wastes one’s life, which is his or her most important asset. Hadiths also support this rational judgment.

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said in the Hadith of Mi'raj that there are seven gates in hell, on each of which are written three sentences, and on the fifth gate is written: “Do not talk in vain, for you will lose God’s mercy.”

According to another Hadith from the Holy Prophet (PBUH), one of the good things in a person is to give up what is of no benefit to him.

The Prophet (PBUH) also advised Abu Dharr al-Ghifari to stick to silence, good temperament and avoiding futile activities.

Ethicists have pointed out many reasons why people tend to talk idly. Some of these reasons include inappropriate curiosity, spending too much time with others, trying to attract the attention of others, and intensely liking others.

One of the best strategies for avoiding idle talk is to reflect on the value of one’s life. One should realize that the precious time he spends talking about useless matters will not be regained, and he will lose many opportunities in life that could be used for growth and improvement.


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