AhlulBayt News Agency

source : ABNA24

17 August 2024

3:35:35 PM

5th Meeting on platform for Theological Dialogue & Practical Ethics

A meeting on “Suffering and Sacrifice for Others – A Muslim/Christian Perspective” held in Ottery South Africa

On Thursday 15th August, the 5th meeting of the Platform for Theological Dialogue and Practical Ethics was held at the Ahlulbait (as) Mosque Complex in Ottery, suburb of Cape Town, South Africa.

AhlulBayt News Agency: On Thursday 15th August, the 5th meeting of the Platform for Theological Dialogue and Practical Ethics was held at the Ahlulbait (as) Mosque Complex in Ottery, suburb of Cape Town, South Africa. The topic of this engagement was centered on: “Suffering and Sacrifice for Others – A Muslim/Christian Perspective”.

Proceedings began with opening remarks by Maulana Syed Aftab Haider in relation to the purpose of these meetings, with the desired outcome of greater understanding between both sides. Sayed Sameer Kazmi opened the dialogue by presenting the Shia perspective on suffering. He specifically focused on how suffering for the sake of the Almighty is highlighted in the epic of Karbala and concluded with similarities between Shia and Catholic literature. Haj Bashier Rahim responded by expanding on the aspect of suffering as a means of gaining closeness to God and the different degrees this can be achieved at.

Father Christopher Clohessy presented the Christian perspective of suffering, using scripture and models of altruism to draw meaning and key lessons for us living in the post-modern world. Parallels were drawn between the sacrifice of Al-Abbas Ibn Ali (as), brother of Imam Husayn (as), as well a Saint Maximillian Kolbe, a polish priest killed in the death camps of Auschwitz. Dr Michael Van Heerden responded by building on Fr Clohessy’s discourse, adding a philosophical perspective on suffering and the intention we have in interacting with others.

Lastly, the program was closed by Cardinal Brislin, who reiterated his appreciation and commitment to keeping this platform alive with further engagement in future to bridge the gap in understanding between these two communities.
