AhlulBayt News Agency: (1) O my masters! O the sons (descendants) of the the Messenger of Allah!
I am your servant, the son of your bondwoman, I yield to you in submission,
I stand in awe of the sublimeness of your authority, I am fully aware of your rights,
I have come to you, seeking refuge with you, moving towards your holy resting place;
I apply to your consideration, and through you seek the divine notice and favour.
May I enter O my masters? May I enter O the dearest friends of Allah?
May I enter O the attentive Angels of Allah, quartered in this place of pilgrimage?
(2) While entering [put the right foot forward] recite:
Allah is the Greatest in His absolute greatness. All praise (in surpassing abundance) be to Allah. Glory be to Allah in the morning and evening.
Praise be to Allah, the eternally besought, the Majestic, the Single, the Generous, the Bestower of bounties, the Benefactor, the Compassionate, who did a favour and made easy for me the "Ziyaarat" of my masters, out of compassion and kindness, and did not stop me from their "Ziyaarat', but helped and blessed.
(3) It is highly desirable to recite "Ziyaarat Jaami-a'h Kabeer" and "Ziyaarat Ameenallaah", in addition to the following:
Peace be on you, O Guides who show the Right Path! Peace be on you, O the embodiments of piety! Peace be on you, O the manifestations of true evidence for the mankind! Peace be on you, O those who remained among the people to establish justice and fairplay! Peace be on you, O the personifications of purity! Peace be on you, O descendants of the Messenger of Allah. Peace be on you, O those who are fully aware of the secret communications!
I bear witness that, verily, you explained the truth and gave sincere advice, exercised self-control in the way of Allah, (whenever) people contradicted you and took liberties with you, and had forgiven them.
I bear witness that, verily, you are the rightly guided Guides who show the right path; verily, it is obligatory to obey you; verily, that which you had said is true.
Verily, you invited the people, but they did not pay attention; you gave instructions, but they did not obey; verily, you are the mainstay of the religion, you maintain the earth, do not let it depart from Allah's original model, Allah preserved you in the pure loins, from the beginning to the end, He transferred you from one chaste womb to another, did not let the dirt of ignorance (even) touch you, did not let the disorder of vain desires come near you to stir up trouble, purified you [excelled you in knowledge] and thoroughly cleansed your substance [rendered your source qualified and effective to the highest degree of perfection], and through you made it possible for us to obtain recompense on the "day of requital", so, with Allah's consent (all of) you are privileged to glorify and praise [make known the true meaning of] His attributes, and the blessings we invoke for you (Salawaat), in fact, becomes a mercy for ourselves. and an atonement of our sins, because Allah has chosen you for us, refined our nature and manners through that which He, as a favour, has provided us-our love for you; by knowing you, we, before Allah,
are considered exalted, we are included among those who "profess the true faith" because we believe in your truthfulness.
This is the place where one, who has exceeded the bounds and has done wrong, discovers his own sorry plight, and taking advantage, makes a clean confession and hopes to obtain salvation, and finally is saved from the danger through you, and thus the condemned escape the total destruction, Therefore, you are my intercessors, I have come to you, usually people run away from you, and laugh at the signs of Allah, treat them with haughtiness.
O He who is Ever-Vigilant, never forgets one thing over another; (who is) Everlasting Eternal, never passes away the time (free from space-time), surrounds and keeps under control all things, (all) bounties belong to Thee, through which, Thou prospers and assists me, and made me know that (love of Ahlul Bayt) which binds me securely with Thy bounties, whereas (some of) Thy servants turn aside, and ignore it due to lack of knowledge, carelessly make light of its obligation, and turn to mediocrity instead of making use of it (love of Ahlul Bayt); so, do a favor to me and include me among the special group which stay closely attached with them (the Ahlul Bayt).
(All) praise be to Thou, because I am here, duly thought of and summoned up, so, do not deny me that which I long for, do not let me fall short of that for which Thou has invited me, in the name of the sanctity of Muhammad and his pure descendants; blessings of Allah be on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad.
I am your servant, the son of your bondwoman, I yield to you in submission,
I stand in awe of the sublimeness of your authority, I am fully aware of your rights,
I have come to you, seeking refuge with you, moving towards your holy resting place;
I apply to your consideration, and through you seek the divine notice and favour.
May I enter O my masters? May I enter O the dearest friends of Allah?
May I enter O the attentive Angels of Allah, quartered in this place of pilgrimage?
(2) While entering [put the right foot forward] recite:
Allah is the Greatest in His absolute greatness. All praise (in surpassing abundance) be to Allah. Glory be to Allah in the morning and evening.
Praise be to Allah, the eternally besought, the Majestic, the Single, the Generous, the Bestower of bounties, the Benefactor, the Compassionate, who did a favour and made easy for me the "Ziyaarat" of my masters, out of compassion and kindness, and did not stop me from their "Ziyaarat', but helped and blessed.
(3) It is highly desirable to recite "Ziyaarat Jaami-a'h Kabeer" and "Ziyaarat Ameenallaah", in addition to the following:
Peace be on you, O Guides who show the Right Path! Peace be on you, O the embodiments of piety! Peace be on you, O the manifestations of true evidence for the mankind! Peace be on you, O those who remained among the people to establish justice and fairplay! Peace be on you, O the personifications of purity! Peace be on you, O descendants of the Messenger of Allah. Peace be on you, O those who are fully aware of the secret communications!
I bear witness that, verily, you explained the truth and gave sincere advice, exercised self-control in the way of Allah, (whenever) people contradicted you and took liberties with you, and had forgiven them.
I bear witness that, verily, you are the rightly guided Guides who show the right path; verily, it is obligatory to obey you; verily, that which you had said is true.
Verily, you invited the people, but they did not pay attention; you gave instructions, but they did not obey; verily, you are the mainstay of the religion, you maintain the earth, do not let it depart from Allah's original model, Allah preserved you in the pure loins, from the beginning to the end, He transferred you from one chaste womb to another, did not let the dirt of ignorance (even) touch you, did not let the disorder of vain desires come near you to stir up trouble, purified you [excelled you in knowledge] and thoroughly cleansed your substance [rendered your source qualified and effective to the highest degree of perfection], and through you made it possible for us to obtain recompense on the "day of requital", so, with Allah's consent (all of) you are privileged to glorify and praise [make known the true meaning of] His attributes, and the blessings we invoke for you (Salawaat), in fact, becomes a mercy for ourselves. and an atonement of our sins, because Allah has chosen you for us, refined our nature and manners through that which He, as a favour, has provided us-our love for you; by knowing you, we, before Allah,
are considered exalted, we are included among those who "profess the true faith" because we believe in your truthfulness.
This is the place where one, who has exceeded the bounds and has done wrong, discovers his own sorry plight, and taking advantage, makes a clean confession and hopes to obtain salvation, and finally is saved from the danger through you, and thus the condemned escape the total destruction, Therefore, you are my intercessors, I have come to you, usually people run away from you, and laugh at the signs of Allah, treat them with haughtiness.
O He who is Ever-Vigilant, never forgets one thing over another; (who is) Everlasting Eternal, never passes away the time (free from space-time), surrounds and keeps under control all things, (all) bounties belong to Thee, through which, Thou prospers and assists me, and made me know that (love of Ahlul Bayt) which binds me securely with Thy bounties, whereas (some of) Thy servants turn aside, and ignore it due to lack of knowledge, carelessly make light of its obligation, and turn to mediocrity instead of making use of it (love of Ahlul Bayt); so, do a favor to me and include me among the special group which stay closely attached with them (the Ahlul Bayt).
(All) praise be to Thou, because I am here, duly thought of and summoned up, so, do not deny me that which I long for, do not let me fall short of that for which Thou has invited me, in the name of the sanctity of Muhammad and his pure descendants; blessings of Allah be on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad.