AhlulBayt News Agency

source : IRNA

2 July 2024

4:09:22 AM

Iranian, Iraqi border commanders hold meeting before Arbaeen

Iranian border police commander Brigadier General Ahmad Ali Goudarzi and the commander of the Iraqi Border Guard, General Mohammad Abdul Wahab, have held a meeting to facilitate the visit of Iranian pilgrims to Iraq for Arbaeen.

AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): Iranian border police commander Brigadier General Ahmad Ali Goudarzi and the commander of the Iraqi Border Guard, General Mohammad Abdul Wahab, have held a meeting to facilitate the visit of Iranian pilgrims to Iraq for Arbaeen.

The meeting was held on Monday in the Khosravi border crossing in Qasr-e Shirin city in Kermanshah on the border with Iraq.

General Goudarzi in the meeting highlighted the importance of improving joint border patrols, to seriously fight against goods smuggling.

Referring to the importance of fighting against arms smuggling, he said that there must be a serious will to deal with smugglers, especially the smugglers of weapons, and alcoholic drinks.

He stressed expanding bilateral cooperation in the exchange of information between the border guards of the two countries to prevent terrorist attacks.

Emphasizing the promotion of bilateral interactions and cooperation, General Abdul Wahab said for his part in the meeting that cooperation and interaction with the border guard of the Islamic Republic of Iran is at a very high level, and this brotherhood will improve cooperation and increase border security.


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