AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Pars Today

12 June 2024

7:54:18 AM

O martyrs, stand up! / How much do you know the father of poetry of Iran's Islamic Revolution?

Hamid Sabzevari was one of the poets, who was a pioneer after the revolution with a special style and reflected the thoughts of the Islamic Revolution in his works for several decades.

AhlulBayt News Agency: Hamid Sabzevari was one of the poets, who was a pioneer after the revolution with a special style and reflected the thoughts of the Islamic Revolution in his works for several decades.

According to Pars Today, Hossein Aqa Momtaheni, better known as Hamid Sabzevari, was a contemporary Iranian poet who was born in Sabzevar in 1925. His father, Abdol-Wahhab" was a simple tradesman with a poetical taste who taught the principles of poetry to his son. Young Hamid, learnt the holy Qur'an from his mother before going to school. Hamid Sabzevari started composing poems since the age of 14 and would write his poems in a notebook called, "Faryadnameh" (book of cry). Sabzevari has been called as the "Poet of Revolution" or "Father of the Islamic Revolution Poetry". He passed away on June 11, 2016 and was buried in his hometown, Sabzevar. 

Reza Khan dictatorship 

Hamid Sabzevari passed his adolescence and youth in the reign of Reza Khan and was greatly impressed with the developments of the era. In those days, he would join various political parties and groups to get familiar with their ideas and thoughts. 

The poems of Sabzevari's youth were mainly socio-political owing to the conditions and developments of those years, including the occupation of Iran by the Allied Powers in September 1941.

Sabzevari was employed in 1952 as a teacher and married in the same year. One year later, during the US-instigated coup against the legal government of Mohammad Mosaddeq, Sabzevari went through troubles and was prosecuted by the coup elements. Thus, the events of July 1953 caused his expulsion from the ministry of education. Hamid Sabzevari left for Tehran in 1978 and took part in the literary associations. After a short time, the Pahlavi regime was overthrown and the Islamic Revolution triumphed. 

Father of poetry of the Islamic Revolution

Composition of poems was Sabzevari's most important activity after the Islamic Revolution in Iran. His poetry has been called the ID of the revolution's calendar because he composed poems for almost every event after the revolution. 

Sabzevari dedicated all his time and energy to promote the thoughts and ideals of the Islamic Revolution and the artistic and cultural activities related to this revolution. He went to the IRIB and became a member of the poetry council of this organization. 

One of his most famous poems was, "America, America, shame on your trick". Part of this poem reads, 

America, America, shame on your trick,

our youths' blood drips from your claws.


Oppressively, you've set the world on fire,

and caused safety and security to expire.


Injustice 'n' wronging pervades you, mercy 'n' faith escapes you 

in no time or moment, there's an oppressor as cruel as you.

Among the first poems that Sabzevari composed were "Khomeini, o Imam!" and "Stand up, o martyrs in the way of God!" Both of these poems were performed in the ceremony of welcoming Imam Khomeini's arrival in Tehran from nearly 15 years of exile. 

Works and honors

Hamid Sabzevari got the top badge of art in the field of literature in 1992. In 2014, he was awarded the honorary badge of "jihadist in the field of culture and art" from the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran. In 2003, this revolutionary poet had been introduced as the "Everlasting Figure" by the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance.

Many poems have remained from this great poet, including, "the song of pain", "the song of dawn", "another song", "travel with love", "the bell's sound" and so on. The song of pain was dubbed as Iran's book of the year in 1996.


  1. "Who was Hamid Sabzevari? Why did he become known as the father of the poetry of revolution?" Jamaran website, June 12, 2021
  2.  "Tomorrow in Sabzevar, the third anniversary of Hamid Sabzevari's demise will be held" IBNA news agency, June 10, 2019
  3.  "Living with the revolution, life experience of maestero Hamid Sabzevari" Tasnim news agency, June 15, 2016
  4.  "Hamid Sabzevari" wikitabnak
  5.  "Hossein Aqa Momtaheni (Hamid Sabzevari)" Imam Khomeini website, April 6, 2019

Key phrases: Hossein Aqa Momtaheni, Hamid Sabzevari, Iranian poets, revolutionary poet, father of the Islamic Revolution poetry, situation of poetry in Iran after the Islamic Revolution
