AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Pars Today

11 June 2024

5:55:07 AM

Lovely tired/ 6 narrations from Prophet on importance of labor and effort

The Prophet of Islam (Blessings of God upon him and his progeny) deemed high importance for labor and effort and strictly prevented the individuals of the Islamic society from laziness and idling.

AhlulBayt News Agency: The Prophet of Islam (Blessings of God upon him and his progeny) deemed high importance for labor and effort and strictly prevented the individuals of the Islamic society from laziness and idling.

Having a skill and the spirit of effort and perseverance make the individuals valuable in Islam, and the opposite of these is seriously criticized by the leaders of this religion. Here, we have cast a glance at six hadiths (narrations) from the Prophet on the issue:

  1. The Prophet of Islam says on the value of endeavor for earning a living: "He who toils for his family, is like a mujahid (fighter) in the way of God." (al-Kafi, v5, p88)
  2. The Prophet, also, considers labor the cause of drawing God's love and says, "God likes to see His servant tired in the way of earning halal living." (Kanz-ol-Ommal, hadith 9200)
  3. The Messenger of Mercy says, "Try for your world in a way as if you were to live forever." (Tanbih-ol-Khawater, v2, p234)
  4. The Prophet, elsewhere, castigates those who do not make effort for their family, and says, "Cursed be, cursed be, anyone who hurts his family because of not providing their expenses." (Man-la Yahzar-ol-Faqih, v2, p68)
  5. Prophet Mohammad (Blessings of God upon him and his progeny) pleads to God in his supplications in this way, "I The take refuge with You from laziness and lethargy." (Behar-ol-Anwar, v95, p82)
  6. The Seal of the Prophets hated laziness and indolence and would persuade people, especially the youths, to work and make effort. He would say, "Indeed, Allah hates the jobless youths." (al-Mahajjat-ol-Bayza, v7, p131)
