AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Iqna News

11 June 2024

5:08:37 AM

Malaysian scholar: Muslim Ummah should be exemplary in World

Head of Malaysian Consultative Council of Islamic Organizations (MAPIM) Muhammad Azmi Abdulhamid underlined that the Muslim Ummah should be an exemplary society in the world according to the teachings of the Quran.

AhlulBayt News Agency: Head of Malaysian Consultative Council of Islamic Organizations (MAPIM) Muhammad Azmi Abdulhamid underlined that the Muslim Ummah should be an exemplary society in the world according to the teachings of the Quran.

He made the remark in an address to the “Hajj, Quran-centrism, And Sympathy with Gaza” webinar.

The online seminar was organized by the International Quran News Agency (IQNA) on Monday, June 10.

Abdulhamid said the subject of Hajj sympathy and authority of the Islamic Ummah in the defense of oppressed Palestine is definitely a very important subject.

“(To discuss it, I think that it is timely that we come back to the most important authority of our reference, that is the Quran.”

He said the situation of the Ummah today is in a very dire state as Muslims’ rights are being violated in almost every corner of the world they are facing a lot of suppression.

Abdul Hamid said Muslims are always inspired by the Quran in every aspect of life, and the Quran says that Muslims should be the Khayr Ummah (exemplary society) in the world.

Muslims should reflect why the term Khayr Ummah has not been manifested in today’s world, he said.  

The Malaysian scholar also said that Muslim unity is a major prerequisite for Muslims to become an exemplary society and for them to tackle challenges they are facing, including the issue of Palestine.

Referring to the upcoming Hajj pilgrimage, he said that based on the philosophy of Hajj, Muslims should not only verbally but also in every aspect of their daily life reflect on and promote the concept of Muslim unity and brotherhood.

University of Tehran Professor Mohammad Ali Azarshab, Head of Association of Muslim Scholars in Lebanon Sheikh Ghazi Hunaina, Head of Union of Ahl al-Bayt Scholars of Turkey Ghadir Akaras, and Canadian Islamologist John Andrew Morrow were among other speakers at the webinar.
