AhlulBayt News Agency

source : IRNA

11 June 2024

4:03:47 AM

UNSC adopts US-sponsored Gaza ceasefire resolution

The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) has endorsed a US-backed proposal that aims to end Israel’s more than eight-month genocidal war on Gaza and establish a ceasefire in the besieged Palestinian territory.

AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) has endorsed a US-backed proposal that aims to end Israel’s more than eight-month genocidal war on Gaza and establish a ceasefire in the besieged Palestinian territory.

According to IRNA reporter from the UN headquarters, the resolution was approved without opposition or veto by its permanent and non permanent members except one abstention by Russia on Monday afternoon local time (June 10).

In Security Council Resolution 2735, which has seven paragraphs, recalls all relevant resolutions regarding the situation in the Middle East, including Palestine, and emphasizes the need of continued diplomatic efforts by Egypt, Qatar and the United States in achieving a comprehensive ceasefire in Gaza.

The US claims the new ceasefire proposal announced on May 31 has been accepted by Israel and that Hamas should accept it as well, while calls on both sides to fully implement its terms without delay in the three phases.

The resolution, which in the first phase, calls for an initial six-week ceasefire and the exchange of some Israeli captives held in Gaza for Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli jails also includes the return of Palestinian civilians to their homes, including in the north, as well as the safe and effective distribution of large-scale humanitarian aid throughout Gaza.

The second phase would include a permanent ceasefire and the release of the remaining captives and the complete withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza.

The third phase would involve a reconstruction effort for the devastated Gaza Strip and the return of the bodies of all dead hostages still in Gaza to their families.

The approved resolution emphasizes the importance of the parties adhering to the terms of the proposal after the agreement and asks all UN member states to support its implementation.

The resolution rejects any attempt at demographic or territorial change in the Gaza Strip, including any measures that reduce the size of Gaza.

US President Joe Biden announced on May 31 during his election campaign that Israel presented a new proposal for a ceasefire and prisoner exchange, which was presented to Hamas through Qatar. And he asked the parties not to miss this opportunity and reach an agreement on this proposal.

Despite Biden’s claim, some Israeli officials have since promised to continue the war until the elimination of Hamas. The Zionist regime has also intensified its bloodshed since then in defiance of the US president statement, an international outcry and most importantly against a ruling by the International Court of Justice that called on the regime to immediately halt its invasion of the southern Gaza city of Rafah and allow unhindered humanitarian aid into Gaza.

Hundreds more Palestinian civilians have been martyred in Israel’s indiscriminate bombing and shelling across Gaza, Rafah in particular, over the past couple of weeks, raising the overall death toll from the Israeli genocide in Gaza to over 37,100 and and the number of wounded has reached 83074 since October 7, 2023.


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