AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Pars today

10 June 2024

6:19:42 AM

How Israeli trolls wage war of hatred/ In the name of Iranian, Hindu, Muslim and European

Troll is an internet term which means those who send pre-planned messages on the on-line spaces with specific aims in a bid to cause others to show emotional reactions and impact the minds of the audiences.

AhlulBayt News Agency: The Zionist regime, since several years ago, has trained thousands of trolls on the cyberspace who are hell-bent on instigating war of hatred.

Troll is an internet term which means those who send pre-planned messages on the on-line spaces with specific aims in a bid to cause others to show emotional reactions and impact the minds of the audiences.

The image below was published on the cyberspace in 2016. It had warned against the Israeli "Troll Farm". Troll farm is usually used for a group which is paid to take action on social networks and usually publishes disinformation or fake information.

13 thousand Zionist youths are working in the troll farm

The Zionist regime, in a piece of news whose source was the regime itself, boastfully announced the onset of a project in which 13 thousand Israeli youths are trained with the aim of whitewashing the image of the regime among the world public opinion and the cyberspace.

The mission of this group has been announced as "Hasbara", a Hebrew word roughly meaning explanation. As Hasbarsa has concentrated on presenting explanations about the performance of an individual or a group, it has been called as "reaction approach and event-oriented".

As a communicative strategy, this project is generally seeking to justify the Israeli crimes in Palestine.

Again in 2016, it had been warned many times that %90 of the trolls talking with you about Israel and Palestine on the internet are professionally educated persons affiliated to the Zionist regime.

The tweet of one of the cyber trolls inviting the Zionist regime for military support of those who want to topple the Islamic Republic of Iran

Israelis have also undertaken the mission of teaching psychological operation to the saboteurs and terrorist grouplets across the world. One of these grouplets is the MKO which has created a similar troll farm in Albania with the help of the Israeli experience. After failure in military arena, this grouplet has turned into a "keyboard army". The MKO members try to wage psychological war in a vain bid to erase their crimes and betrayals from the minds of the Iranian nation.

Among the institutions of the Zionist regime active in psychological war is the 8200 cyber unit which, as a subordinate to the Israeli Military Intelligence (AMAN), has the duty of spying, monitoring of users and collecting their information, hacking of systems, electronic listening, digital decoding and encoding. It is said that unit 8200 has the highest number of forces in the Israeli war ministry. Most of the members of this organizations are teenagers aged 16-18.

One of the trolls has written in a tweet that nobody should pay attention to the cries of "Gaza, Gaza" in universities and all Palestinians must be destroyed.

Those who are recruited to unit 8200 are fluent in different languages including Farsi. Reports indicate that the Israeli army familiarizes its forces with Farsi language from primary school in order to poison the cyberspace against Iran.

The members of unit 8200, under the guise of cyberspace users of various countries like Iran, are engaged in dissemination of rumors, leaving comments, instigating media hype against the Iranian political figures, undermining Iran's anti-colonialist view in the world, forging religious and political clashes and so on. They also try to promote Zionist thoughts, infiltrate and forge differences in the Islamic world, poison the ideas and culture of Muslims, and deal blow to the moral, human and ideological values.

The tweet of one of the Zionist trolls on cyberspace which is intent to propagate Israel and legitimize the Israeli crimes.

Among their techniques is to attack the ideas of one group by another one. For example, some of them threaten Hindus in the name of Muslims or vice versa to arouse them to react.
