AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Sky News

8 June 2024

5:51:40 AM

Melbourne: MP condemns 'ugly hate' as mother of four’s home targeted with Islamophobic graffiti

A residence in Manningham, home to a mother of four, has been defaced with Islamophobic graffiti, sparking widespread condemnation.

AhlulBayt News Agency: A residence in Manningham, home to a mother of four, has been defaced with Islamophobic graffiti, sparking widespread condemnation.

The offensive messages, including “get out Muslim c—” and “death to Palestine,” were discovered on the driveway of 53-year-old Rita Manessis. Accompanying these hateful slogans were several hand-drawn swastikas, Australia’s Sky News reported on Friday.

The vandalism occurred on Thursday, June 6, between 10.30pm and 11.30pm, according to the Manningham group Menzies for Palestine.

Manessis, who noticed the strong smell of paint when taking out her bins, suspects her home was targeted due to the “free Palestine” posters and stickers displayed on her car and house.

“Death to Palestine and [several] swastikas were [painted] quite large at the bottom of my driveway,” she told the ABC. Despite not being of Palestinian, Muslim, or Arab descent, Manessis has faced intimidation and harassment solely for her support of the Palestinian cause.

Menzies for Palestine strongly condemned the act of hate speech and vandalism in an Instagram post. The group also called on local government and law enforcement to take more action against the escalating hate speech in the area.

Federal Member for Menzies, Keith Wolahan MP, referred to the graffiti as “ugly hate”. He stated, “I have seen reports of reprehensible anti-Islamic graffiti in my electorate,” and confirmed that he has reached out to local police, who are currently investigating the incident.

A Victoria Police spokeswoman affirmed that officers were aware of the graffiti and are “making further inquiries.” She emphasized, “There is absolutely no place in our society for hate-based symbols and behaviour,” and confirmed that an investigation into the incidents remains ongoing.
