AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Iqna news

30 May 2024

6:04:13 AM

Characteristics of Jews mentioned in holy Quran

The Holy Quran cites some negative characteristics for Jews that can be divide into four categories of religious, social, economic and political.

AhlulBayt News Agency: The Holy Quran cites some negative characteristics for Jews that can be divide into four categories of religious, social, economic and political.

The Quran, of course, differentiates the Jews who are moderate and believe in the Resurrection Day from those Jews who break their promises:

“Some of them are modest people, but many of them commit the worst sins.” (Verse 66 of Surah Al-Ma’idah)

The Quran cites many negative characteristics for the second group in history and they can be divided into religious, social, economic and political categories.

The first category includes some 26 negative traits such as rebellion and disobedience to God, distorting divine commandments and concepts in the Torah, inclination toward sorcery and witchcraft, Kufr and disbelief, denying the commandments of God and prophets, killing divine prophets, and enmity with God and angels.

There are also other negative features in this category such as refusing divine guidance, overtaking one another in committing sins, claiming to be men of God and receiving no punishment in the hereafter due to their race, concealing divine teachings, failing to act upon the Torah, ordering others to do good while failing to do good themselves, and forgetting God and the hereafter.

The second category, namely social, includes up to 17 negative traits like racism, spreading corruption, having a heart as hard as rock, enmity against Muslims, always seeking pretexts and making excuses, obstinacy, hypocrisy and parsimoniousness.

As for the economic ones, the Quran mentions such characteristics for them as greed, usury, theft, and worldliness.

And there are up to 18 traits mentioned for them in the political category including war mongering, treason, breaking promises, oppression and injustice, trying to harm Muslims, attempting to destroy the religion and light of God on earth, spreading discord and disunity, espionage, sedition, and terrorism.

A study of the negative characteristics mentioned in the Quran for some Jews, one can say that they apply to contemporary Zionist Jews. However, rulers of some Muslim countries are seeking to normalize ties with these Zionist Jews despite the Quran’s warnings.
