AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Shiite News

28 May 2024

7:04:00 AM

Pakistani Sunni Mufti 'Gulzar Naeemi' condemns takfiri elements on insulting Martyr President Raisi

Mufti Gulzar Naeemi has condemned the deplorable attitude of Takfiri and Nasbi extremists, on the Martyrdom of Iranian President Ayatollah Raisi.

Ahlulbayt News Agency: Mufti Gulzar Naeemi has condemned the deplorable attitude of Takfiri and Nasbi extremists, on the Martyrdom of Iranian President Ayatollah Raisi.

He said in his message from his social media account that since the news of the martyrdom of the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Syed Ibrahim Raeesi, takfiris insulted him.

If there is faith and shame and modesty, prayers for forgiveness are offered for the people who are leaving this world and not certificates of hell are issued.

If heaven is the domain of one’s father, then surely he will not allow anyone to enter it. If it is the property of the Almighty and surely, then it is the authority of Him to grant Paradise and to whom He puts in Hell.

Those who call others hell-bound should worry about themselves. It is quite possible that those who are called hell-bound will face the terrible fire of hell and be thrown into the bottomless pit.
