AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Diplomatic Society

23 May 2024

4:42:43 AM

S.M Daryabari, Cultural Counsellor of Embassy of Iran in Pretoria;

"When we lay his body to rest, we do so with full conviction that many more like him will emerge to defend truth, peace, justice"

When most world leaders chose to remain indifferent to the atrocities experienced on a daily by the Palestinians and cemented their complicity by remaining silent, President Ebrahim Raisi spoke openly against injustice. When the living environment of the Palestinian children whose quality of life diminished as a result of military offenses could only be described as broken and vulnerable, he took a stand next to them and embraced them.

We mourn the epitome of human compassion in President Ebrahim Raisi

by Seyed Mostafa Daryabari, Cultural Counsellor of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Pretoria, South Africa

When most world leaders chose to remain indifferent to the atrocities experienced on a daily by the Palestinians and cemented their complicity by remaining silent, President Ebrahim Raisi spoke openly against injustice. When the living environment of the Palestinian children whose quality of life diminished as a result of military offenses could only be described as broken and vulnerable, he took a stand next to them and embraced them.

The world can choose to remember him the way the destitute perceived him, a president of the poor, or choose to remember him the way the Palestinians will remember him, a defender of the downtrodden, or choose to look at him from the lens of the Iranian nation, a lover of humanity.

His effort to preserve and promote high human values is well-known. His unique humility and humbleness, along with his exemplary kindness and patience, caused his love to be imprinted in the hearts of everyone who met and interacted with him, and I was one of these people.

The Supreme Leader mentioned two characteristics about him and his governments:
"One is that they went among the people, heard from the people, answered them, and this made them get first-hand information.

"Second, the reduction of formalities in the personal and governmental conduct of the government, especially the president himself, was noticeable to everyone, and this is important and noteworthy."

The President departs from this earth with his head held high, with unshakable faith in God, the most profound love his people, and the greatest confidence in the victory of the Iranian nation over its detractor’s.

He refused to succumb to the pressure of the enemy despite numerous sanctions meant to enslave his people, President Ebrahim Raisi lived by sacred principles that continue to define him.

When the sanctions hit hard, the President reinstated hope in the nation. When the poor came knocking, he did not turn them away, and when bravery was in short supply, he stood tall and courageous for the weak.

There goes a man who epitomized human compassion. Heartfelt condolences to the President’s family, the Iranian nation, friends of Iran, and the entire peace loving populace.

When we lay his body to rest, we do so with full conviction that many more like him will emerge to defend truth, peace, justice, and the oppressed as Iran has lots of elites and outstanding to management.
