AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Palestine Info

18 May 2024

4:48:26 AM

Zionist forces kills Palestinian young man in Tulkarem

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) shot and killed, late Thursday, a Palestinian young man after breaking into Bala’a and Anabta towns, east of Tulkarem.

AhlulBayt News Agency: The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) shot and killed, late Thursday, a Palestinian young man after breaking into Bala’a and Anabta towns, east of Tulkarem.

The Palestinian Health Ministry identified the martyr as Karim Raeq Abdel Raouf Ameer, 23, who was shot and seriously injured by Israeli gunfire during the raid.

He was then transferred to the Martyr Thabet Thabet Hospital in Tulkarem, where he was proclaimed dead.

Local sources reported that the IOF troops stormed Bala’a town and raided several neighborhoods, which led to the outbreak of violent confrontations amid heavy firing of live ammunition.

The IOF also stormed Anabta from its eastern entrance amid heavy gunfire, which led to the outbreak of clashes.

A 16-year-old teen was injured in the thigh during the raid.

Meanwhile, a young man was shot by IOF gunfire at the entrance to the Jalazoun refugee camp, north of Ramallah.

The teen was riding his bike when Israeli soldiers opened fire at him, which led to the outbreak of violent clashes in the camp.
