AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Al-Kafeel News

16 May 2024

5:38:04 AM

Holy shrines of Imam Ali and al-Abbas discuss enhancing cooperation in field of visitor service

The holy shrines of Imam Ali and al-Abbas (peace be upon them) discussed ways to enhance joint cooperation and coordinate efforts to serve visitors to the holy shrines.

AhlulBayt News Agency: The holy shrines of Imam Ali and al-Abbas (peace be upon them) discussed ways to enhance joint cooperation and coordinate efforts to serve visitors to the holy shrines.

This came during the visit of the head of the Department of maintaining order at the Imam Ali's (p) holy shrine; Sayed Karrar Hamza al-Jamali, accompanied by a delegation from the holy shrine, to the Al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine and a meeting with the head of the Department of Hussayni Rituals, Processions and Bodies in Iraq and the Islamic world affiliated to the holy shrines of Imam al-Hussayn and al-Abbas (peace be upon them); Mr. Ali Musleh.

The two sides exchanged talks on the need for coordination and joint cooperation, and coordination of efforts to provide the best services to visitors to the holy shrines, especially during the major Ziyarat.
