AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Al-Maaref

11 May 2024

6:07:12 AM

Ziyarat (salutation) of Lady Fatima Masumeh

AhlulBayt News Agency: Peace be on Adam, the Selected one of Allah.

Peace be on Nuh, the Prophet of Allah.

Peace be on Ibrahim, the Friend of Allah.

Peace be on Musa, who was Spoken with by Allah.

Peace be on Issa, the Spirit of Allah.

Peace be on you, O Messenger of Allah.

Peace be on you, O Best of Allah’s creatures.

Peace be on you, O Selected one of Allah.

Peace be on you, O Muhammad son of `Abdullah, the Seal of the Prophets.

Peace be on you, O Commander of the Faithful, Ali son of Abu Talib, and the Successor of the Messenger of Allah.

Peace be on you, O Fatima, the leader of the women of the worlds.

Peace be on you, O the two grandsons of the Prophet of mercy, and the masters of the youth of Heaven.

Peace be on you, O Ali son of Husain, the leader of worshippers, O tranquility for those who gaze at you.

Peace be on you, O Muhammad son of Ali,O revealer of knowledge after the Prophet.

Peace be on you, O Ja`far son of Muhammad, the truthful, the righteous, the trusted.

Peace be on you, O Musa son of Ja`far, the pure, the purified.

Peace be on you, O Ali son of Musa,the pleased, the pleasing.

Peace be on you, O Muhammad son of Ali, the pious.

Peace be on you, O Ali son of Muhammad, the pure, the benevolent, the trusted.

Peace be on Hasan son of Ali.

Peace be on the successor after him.

O Allah, Bless Your light and torch, the heir of your vicegerent, the successor of Your appointed successor and guide for mankind.

Peace be on you, O daughter of the Messenger of Allah!

Peace be on you, O daughter of Fatima and Khadijah!

Peace be on you, O daughter of the Commander of the Faithful!

Peace be on you, O daughter of Hasan and Husain!

Peace be on you, O daughter of the vicegerent of Allah!

Peace be on you, O sister of the vicegerent of Allah!

Peace be on you, O aunt of the vicegerent of Allah!

Peace be on you, O daughter of Musa son of Ja`far! May Allah shower

His mercy and blessings on you!

Peace be on you.

May Allah grant us your companionship in Heaven,

And put us in your group,

And lead us to your Prophet’s Fountain,

And quench our thirst out of your grandfather’s own cup, in the hand of Ali. May Allah bless you all!

I ask Allah to grant us, through you, happiness and ease,

And to brings us and you into the group of your grandfather, Muhammad. May Allah bless you all!

And not to deprive us from understanding your status. Truly, He is the Guardian and is All-powerful.

I seek nearness to Allah through my love for you, and through my enmity for your enemies,

And I surrender to Allah willingly, neither denying nor being arrogant,

And I accept with unshaken faith what was brought by Muhammad, and am content with that.

We seek Your providence by this, O my Master! And Your pleasure in the next world, O my Lord!

O Fatima ! Intercede for me, so that I enter Heaven, for indeed you have a great status in the eyes of Allah!

O Allah, I ask You to make my destiny good, and not to take away what I have [out of Your favor] at present.

There is no might or power save that of Allah, the Exalted, the Great.

So by Your Generosity, Honor, Mercy and Bounteousness, accept our supplication.

And may the blessings of Allah shower on Muhammad and all his household and give them abundance and peace. O the most Merciful of the merciful!
