AhlulBayt News Agency

source : ابنا

2 May 2024

2:17:33 PM

Ayatollah Ramezani: The logic of Ahl al-Bayt (AS) is taking responsibility and realizing justice in the whole world

The Secretary General of the World Assembly of Ahl al-Bayt (AS) said: The most important duty that we followers of Ahl al-Bayt (AS) have is to introduce the religion with our behavior, actions and words. In such a way that it can be said that this person is a true believer, trained in the Ahl al-Bayt school and a true believer.

According to the Ahl al-Bayt (pbuh)-Abna news agency, Ayatollah Reza Ramezani, Secretary General of the Ahlul-Bayt (pbuh) World Assembly, invited by the Muslims of Brazil to participate in the international conference "Islam; The religion of dialogue and life, in the gathering of Brazilian Muslims in the Hosseinieh of Hazrat Muhammad Rasulullah (pbuh) in the city of Sao Paulo, referring to the provision of a golden opportunity for Islam, stated: Although throughout history, the enemies tried to distort the religion, but now a golden opportunity has been obtained for us to propagate the religion for Islam.

Before the victory of the Islamic revolution, theorists said that no religious revolution would happen in the world. But in this era, a religious revolution took place, which invited the society to be religious and presented religion in the social arena. Now the most important scientific centers of the world are re-examining religion. Religion is not a phenomenon that we can easily ignore. Religion teaches people life lessons. The Holy Quran addresses all human beings that if you listen to the words of God and the Messenger of God, you will reach the real life.


The condition of religiosity research in the present era

The Secretary General of the World Assembly of Ahl al-Bayt (AS) added: From the point of view of Ahl al-Bayt (AS), the religion of Islam is a comprehensive, precise and deep religion, and this religion does not only include prayer and fasting; Rather, it is present in social spheres and reacts to the oppressions that are done in the society. Therefore, according to Islam, if injustice is done in the society, a Muslim should not feel irresponsible towards the oppressor; "Be hostile to the oppressor and help the oppressed." Ahl al-Bayt (AS) have provided the most comprehensive definition about religion. To realize religiosity, two steps must be taken; first, we have to know the religion and then we have to believe in the religion. After studying theology and religion, then we will be religious. The most important duty that we followers of Ahl al-Bayt (AS) have is to introduce the religion with our behavior, actions and words; in such a way that it can be said that this person is a true believer, trained in the Ahl al-Bayt school and a true believer.

Referring to the characteristics of a religious life, Ayatollah Ramezani stated: A religious life is different from a non-religious life. In a narration, Imam Reza (a.s.) mentioned the characteristics of a faithful life. Imam Reza (a.s.) said: A believer is not a believer unless he has three characteristics: a characteristic of his Lord, a characteristic of his Prophet, peace be upon him and his family, and a characteristic of God's guardian. But the characteristic of his Lord is to hide a secret; and the characteristic of the Prophet of God, may God bless him and his family, is gentleness with people; And the characteristic of God's guardian is patience in hardships.


A true Muslim fights with violence

In today's times, we saw people reciting verses of the Quran and saying Allahu Akbar and La ilaha illa al-zAllah, but they were beheading people. It should be noted that these people have nothing to do with religion and they are the creation of colonialism and exploitation to create differences among Muslims. Of course, the attribute of violence is their occasion to be related to Muslims. A true Muslim is not only non-violent, but fights violence.


Shia logic is the logic of reasoning and spirituality

He pointed out: If we want to be with God's guardian, we must be patient and careful. Shia logic is the logic of reasoning and spirituality. The logic of the Ahl al-Bayt (a.s.) is responsibility and the realization of justice in the whole world. That no one should be oppressed, and that there should be justice and peace for all nations, and that nations should enjoy sovereignty, greatness, and nobility. Imam Khomeini (RA) used to say that I have come to return your nobility and greatness to you. Recognition of duty is very important in this age, in an age where women and children are killed and displaced. Today, all Muslims and non-Muslims must be awake and convey the word of God and the word of God's religion to the human society. We must convey the message of peace, love and love to humanity to everyone and introduce those who are autocrats and oppress humanity to the human society.