AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Social Media

24 February 2024

4:32:51 AM

Zionist soldiers refuse to meet with Netanyahu

Reservists serving in the Israeli occupation army refused to meet with Zionist Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, who visited their base in northern Israel on Thursday.

AhlulBayt News Agency: Reservists serving in the Israeli occupation army refused to meet with Zionist Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, who visited their base in northern Israel on Thursday.

According to the “Haaretz” newspaper, the incident occurred in the Alpine Unit, which is part of the occupation army, above Mount Hermon.

The newspaper added that “instructions were issued to the unit members to prepare for Netanyahu’s visit several hours before his arrival, but many of them requested not to participate in the meeting with him.”

The newspaper explained: “In the end, the unit commander decided that two teams would meet with the Prime Minister.”

The spokesman for the Prime Minister issued a statement regarding Netanyahu’s visit to the base, along with photos of him meeting some of the unit’s soldiers in northern Israel.

“Alpine” is the name given to a special reserve unit that operates under the northern command of the Israeli army, and its mission is to fight during snowfall in the northern border area between Palestine, Lebanon, and Syria.
