AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Mehr

22 February 2024

7:46:09 AM

One killed, 9 wounded in anti-Zionist operation in east of Quds

A Zionist soldier was killed and at least 9 people were injured in a martyrdom-seeking operation in Ma'ale Adumim city in East Quds on Thursday.

AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): A Zionist soldier was killed and at least 9 people were injured in a martyrdom-seeking operation in Ma'ale Adumim city in East Quds on Thursday.

Zionist media reported that two Zionist settlers including one soldier were killed by gunfire in Ma'ale Adumim city in East Quds and at least 9 Zionists were wounded, three of whom are reported to be in critical condition.

The Israeli regime's police claimed that the shooting was carried out by 3 Palestinians, who were martyred by gunshot.

Zionist sources added that the perpetrators of the operation used M16 automatic weapons. They claimed that two accomplices of the operation were arrested.

They announced that the operation in occupied Quds was carefully planned.


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