AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Iqna News

22 February 2024

6:52:36 AM

Al-Azhar university president urges Interfaith dialogue to promote peace

The president of Egypt’s Al-Azhar Islamic University highlighted the importance of dialogue among religions.

Ahlulbayt News Agency: The president of Egypt’s Al-Azhar Islamic University highlighted the importance of dialogue among religions.

Salama Gomaa Daoud said interfaith dialogue will lead to the spread of kindness and love and promote peace, Egypt Today reported.

He made the remarks at a forum on the significance of dialogue among religions, adding that Al-Azhar is ready to contribute to the formation of pillars of fraternity, cooperation, love and peace among faiths.

Daoud stressed that Islam urges striving for cooperation among people and knowing one another.

He said human values are common not only between Islam and Christianity but among all divine religions and among all people with healthy human Fitrat (nature).

He described peace as a common value among all religions that should be promoted in order for an end to clashes and conflicts.

Referring to the Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip that have continued for five months, he said peace is not expected to be established in the world unless people stand up against the Zionists’ barbaric aggression on the people of Gaza that has killed nearly 30,000 innocent people.

The president of Al-Azhar University went to call for efforts to bolster cooperation and coordination among different institutions for enhancing peace and dialogue among civilizations.

Al-Azhar University is a university in Cairo, Egypt. Associated with Al-Azhar Mosque in the capital, it is Egypt's oldest degree-granting university and is renowned as Sunni Islam’s most prestigious university.
