AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Iqna News

22 February 2024

6:43:25 AM

Iraqi expert: Quranic families can lay ground for modern Islamic Civilization

An Iraqi Quranic expert says promotion of the Holy Quran can create a healthy family which is required for building a modern Islamic civilization.

AhlulBayt News agency: An Iraqi Quranic expert says promotion of the Holy Quran can create a healthy family which is required for building a modern Islamic civilization.

“The promotion of Quranic values and culture within families should be fostered through encouragement rather than coercion,” Mahi Kamal Al-Din, an expert on Waqf and Ibtida (pause and start) and a member of the panel of arbiters in this year’s international Quran competition in Tehran, told Iqna News on the sidelines of the event.

“As women and mothers, we hold a significant responsibility in nurturing families grounded in religious values,” she stressed, adding, “By imparting Quranic teachings to our children and elucidating the essence of Islam, we pave the path towards moral families and, ultimately, a healthy and righteous society, laying the foundation for a renewed Islamic civilization.”

She noted that among the pivotal Quranic teachings relevant to building a new Islamic civilization is found in verse 12 of Surah Al-Hujurat, which reads “O you who have faith! Avoid much suspicion; indeed some suspicions are sins. And do not spy on one another or backbite. Will any of you love to eat the flesh of his dead brother? You would hate it. Be wary of Allah; indeed Allah is all-clement, all-merciful.” (verse 12).

This verse emphasizes the importance of avoiding baseless suspicions, refraining from spying, and abstaining from gossip, the expert said, noting that these principles lay the groundwork for fostering a righteous and harmonious society.

“Modern Islamic civilization thrives on strong, devout communities and a key aspect of strength in Islamic societies lies in the absence of weakness, echoing the sentiment in the Holy Quran,” she said referring to verse 139, Surah Al-Imran which reads: “Do not weaken or grieve: you shall have the upper hand, should you be faithful.”

“In the realm of modern Islamic civilization, the family assumes a pivotal role,” she stressed, adding, “Just as a healthy society stems from healthy families, individuals contribute to societal well-being starting from within their own families, as highlighted in the Holy Quran which implies that each individual must begin with self-improvement and extend it to their family circle.”

The prestigious competition, which began on Thursday, has attracted Quran enthusiasts from around the world.

More than 110 countries registered for Iran's 40th International Quran Competition, but only 69 finalists from 40 countries made it to the final round after a rigorous screening process.

Contestants compete in the main categories of Quran recitation (for men) and Quran memorization and Tateel recitation (for men and women).

The winners will be honored at the closing ceremony on Wednesday, February 21.

The annual event, organized by the Awqaf and Charity Affairs Organization, aims to promote the Quranic culture and values among Muslims and showcase the talents of Quran reciters and memorizers.
