AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Shiite News

12 February 2024

6:24:45 AM

Takfiri Iqrar Abbasi bursts on Shia success on political front

Takfiris in Pakistan are disappointed on possible inclusion of the members elected with the support of PTI in MWM.

AhlulBayt News Agency: As a result of the political collaboration and electoral adjustment of Majlis Wahdat Muslimeen and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf, Kurram won the seat in the National Assembly.

Takfiris are disappointed on possible inclusion of the members elected with the support of PTI in MWM.

An example of this is a message circulated by Hafiz Iqrar Ahmad Abbasi of a fictitious party called Muttahida Deeni Mahaz Pakistan.

In the message released on social media, it is said that, it has been heard that the Pakistan wing of the global terrorist organization Hezbollah called MWM, wants to use the vote PTI in its party.

You should know that MWM, a terrorist minority group of Hezbollah, has been involved in sectarian riots on Iranian funding in Pakistan.

In a message based on narrow-mindedness and prejudice, it has been expressed that the head of the MWM, Raja Nasir Abbas, is the head of the global terrorist organization Hezbollah.

Meetings with Nasrallah are in the open and several FIRs of terrorism have been filed against him in Pakistan.

You are requested that the independent candidates or PTI should not in any case try to merge the majority mandate with the minority terrorist Majlis Wahdat Muslimeen.

Hafiz Iqar Ahmad Abbasi, a supporter of the outlawed Lashkar Jhangvi and outlawed TTP, engaged in armed rebellion against the Pakistani forces, has written about MWM Pakistan, a party registered in the Election Commission, that MWM.

It should be noted that during the recent elections, the Takfiri group has been resoundingly rejected across Pakistan.

After which the leaders of the Takfiri group, instead of making their supporters sad about the failure in the election, have started giving instructions that the elected Ahlus-Sunnat members of the assembly should develop their minds against the school of Shiism.
