AhlulBayt News Agency

source : ABNA

2 October 2023

10:05:23 AM

Video: Achievements of Prophethood (Part 3)

With the presence of two prominent seminarian experts in the issues of religious sociology, in the specialized session in English at ABNA International News Agency, the achievements of the Prophethood of the Holy Prophet of Islam (PBUH) for the Islamic Ummah and the human society were discussed.

AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): With the presence of two prominent seminarian experts in the issues of religious sociology, in the specialized session in English at ABNA International News Agency, the achievements of the Prophethood of the Holy Prophet of Islam (PBUH) for the Islamic Ummah and the human society were discussed.

Hujjat al-Islam Dr. Jahangiri, the head of the Qom office of the Culture and Communications Organization and a university lecturer, who has a significant presence in the field of media and cyberspace in the promotion of Islam and Shiite teachings, mentioned to from today more and scientific, to the role of the prophet of mercy, Prophet Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace) in the re-emergence of face-to-face science and modern science in the scientific and academic arena in the world, as well as proving the authenticity and originality of its knowledge against experimental science, as a path reliable in acquiring real knowledge.

The cleric who is active in the field of media and explaining religious knowledge, announced the renewed luck of thinkers in the west to the divine sciences and the methods of acquiring knowledge through faith and belief in the unseen world in the last few decades and added: while at the end of the 18th century and At the beginning of the 19th century, such talks were ridiculed and considered superstitions among scientists, today mankind has realized that the power of faith and belief can connect man to an eternal source of true and superhuman knowledge, which unlike experimental and acquired sciences, through Returning to the human self and the human soul and the inner connection of the human being with the Blessed and Exalted God as a source of revelation and knowledge, can achieve answers to many of its fundamental questions in the field of epistemology.

In the final part of the session, which was devoted to questions and answers, Dr. Badiei and Jahangiri answered the question of Dr. Ebadi, the expert and host of this session, about the duty of Muslim missionaries, especially Shia, in confronting the massive media attack against the peaceful and oppressive nature of Islam. In spite of the lack of media in Islamic countries, they responded in terms of technology and logistic facilities and human resources specialized in the field of media.

Hujjat al-Islam Dr. Badiei, the general legal director of the AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly, in answering this question, emphasized the need for effective presence and propagation of the true message of Islam through participation in scientific and international events and criticized the weak performance of Muslim governments in the field of media. He knew the points where the weakness should be fixed.

Dr. Jahangiri, an expert in the field of cultural communication, also responded to this criticized the noticeable absence of Muslim thinkers in scientific, religious and cultural events around the world and added: The meaning of this absence is not the lack of presence, but the fact that these thinkers are not accepted in scientific circles due to their lack of familiarity with the global view of religious issues. And they are limited to a local view and approach to issues that have global and transnational dimensions! He also referred to the statements of Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli, and called the adoption of the correct language to introduce Islam and Islamic teachings, not the religious, mystical and Shiite language, but the adoption of a universal and world-viewing language, which can only be achieved by avoiding a narrow perspective local religious matters will be accessible.