AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Taghrib News

30 September 2023

4:40:27 AM

37th International Islamic Unity Conference;

Ugandan Shia figure: Differences are kind of a notion of unity in diversity

“Adam Sabiala”, president of Twelver Shia Muslim Community in Uganda, in his speech at the webinar of 37th International Islamic Unity Conference noted that Imam Khomeini declared there would have been differences which is kind of a notion of unity in diversity.

Ahlulbayt News Agency: President of Twelver Shia Muslim Community in Uganda stressed that the idea of imam Khomeini was that there would have been differences to become a United Way.

“Adam Sabiala”, president of Twelver Shia Muslim Community in Uganda, in his speech at the webinar of 37th International Islamic Unity Conference noted that Imam Khomeini declared there would have been differences which is kind of a notion of unity in diversity.
“But within that dynamic, it’s an opportunity to emphasize unity. This was the view of imam Khomeini when he declared: It would have been differences and look quite able to become a unity, that is, unity in diversity”, he said.
"It comes to observe the unity which is kind of a notion of unity and diversity. This was the idea of imam Khomeini when he declared there would have been differences to become a United Way”, Sabiala added.
He mentioned that this is unity in diversity that introduced by philosophers and highly respectable intellectual people and continued: “the necessity of unity cannot be comprehended except to when somebody turns the other way around and looks at the lack of unity and its effects on these Areas.”
He also noted that lack of unity is very disastrous and its effect is very dangerous, “when you face dangers of disunity and results, it looks quite obvious, conflicts and the bloodshed”, president of Twelver Shia Muslim Community said.
“That's how you understand the importance of unity by looking at its opposite and what it causes. It causes death and destruction. So, if you fear death and destruction and chaos and conflicts, then the option, the right option is to be united”, he added.
Sabiala mentioned “Martin Luther King Junior”, American preacher and civil activist, who said that we must, we should either learn to live together as brothers or we perish as the fools.
“It is also what the Quran referring to that the problems between them is so immense. And you might think that they are together, while are diverse. There everyone is thinking of a different thing. Because these are people who don't understand”, he said.
“Solidarity is the response to the plight suffered by one another. They have told us that there are very many similarities between us. it means we have to feel the pain suffered by others”, Sabiala mentioned.
He pointed out that people are like one body upon Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) that when a part of the body and organ of the body suffers, all others will respond to the pain and will suffer together.
“That's how the Prophet, call it that we are one body and we shouldn't say that I don't see the other part which is sick. let me sleep in separate and safely when one part of your body is sick or ill”, Adam Sabiala concluded.
