AhlulBayt News Agency

source : IQNA

30 September 2023

4:36:17 AM

300,000 copies of Quran being distributed in Mauritania

Mauritania has started distributing 300,000 copies of the Quran among the country’s mosques.

AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): Mauritania has started distributing 300,000 copies of the Quran among the country’s mosques.

The minister of Awqaf (endowments) and Islamic affairs announced this, noting that they are in the Warsh and Qaloun from Nafi narration.

He said 100,000 copies will be distributed among mosques in the capital Nouakchott and the rest in other provinces.

They will replace copies that contained printing errors, he added.

The minister noted that the one containing errors have already been collected from mosques at the order of Mauritania’s president.

The Holy Quran committee of the Awqaf and Islamic affairs ministry has overseen the printing and distribution of the new copies, he stated.

The Warsh and Qaloun from Nafi narration is the common narration in the countries of North and West Africa, apart from Egypt.

The Islamic Republic of Mauritania is a country in the Maghreb region of western North Africa.

The country’s population is estimated to be about 4 million and virtually all Mauritanians are Muslims.

Quranic activities and programs are very popular in the African country.


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