AhlulBayt News Agency

source : ABNA

29 August 2023

3:21:19 AM

Joint declaration of Australian Shia institutions in defense of parental rights and religious freedom

Australian Shia institutions issued declaration in defense of parental rights and religious freedom.

AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): Australian Shia institutions issued declaration in defense of parental rights and religious freedom.

The full text of the declaration is as follow:

In the Name of God, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful

Joint Declaration in Defence of Parental Rights and Religious Freedom

We, the undersigned representatives of diverse faith communities, united under the banner of our shared commitment to the Almighty, stand together in vehement condemnation of the insidious erosion of parental rights under the guise of misguided notions of freedom. We raise our voices in unity to address the deeply concerning path upon which our society finds itself.

As believers in God's wisdom, we hold sacred the divine trust of nurturing our children's hearts, minds, and souls in accordance with our faith teachings and principles. The freedom to impart our beliefs to our offspring is a fundamental component of our religious practice, as enshrined in the very essence of faith.

In recent times, we have witnessed a disturbing trend: the trampling of our inherent rights under the pretext of individual freedom. The very freedom that forms the cornerstone of our nation's identity has been weaponized to diminish our sacred duty as parents and to undermine the spiritual and moral upbringing we provide to our children.

We assert our unwavering conviction that true freedom is not found in subjugating the rights of parents and communities. The freedom we cherish should never negate our responsibilities to God, our families, and our communities. We reject any attempt to curtail our ability to guide our children in the path of righteousness, virtue, and compassion as defined by our faith traditions.

The sanctity of parental rights is interwoven with the very fabric of religious freedom that Australia was founded upon. We stand firm against any agenda that seeks to compromise these foundational values. Our religious teachings command us to uphold the dignity of human beings, to treat one another with respect, and to foster harmony among diverse communities.

We stand resolute in our opposition to policies that aim to undermine the divine institution of family and the sacred authority bestowed upon parents. We reject any narrative that seeks to label our faith values as archaic or incompatible with the broader society. Our beliefs are a source of guidance, compassion, and unity, not division.

As believers, we are called to stand up for justice and righteousness. We call upon all individuals and communities who uphold the sanctity of parental rights and religious freedom to join us in signing this declaration. Let us unite in the spirit of compassion, understanding, and shared values to protect the rights of parents, the dignity of families, and the sacred tapestry of our diverse faith traditions.


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