"Ghadir As Narrated By Ahlul Bayt (‘A)" by: Sayyid Ali al-Husayni al-Milani
On the day of Ghadir, some verses form the holy Quran were revealed, which are, on the basis of narrations, stated here under.
First Verse
يَا أَيُّهَا الرَّسُولُ بَلِّغْ مَا أُنزِلَ إِلَيْكَ مِن رَّبِّكَ وَإِن لَّمْ تَفْعَلْ فَمَا بَلَّغْتَ رِسَالَتَهُ وَاللَّـهُ يَعْصِمُكَ مِنَ النَّاسِ
O’ Apostle, Proclaim the Message which has been sent to you from your Lord! And if you do not do that, then you would not have fulfilled and proclaimed His Mission. (Know that) God will protect you from (the mischievous) men. (Sura Al-Ma'idah, 5:67).