AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Iqna News

7 May 2023

4:10:41 AM

Iranian Cultural Center in Ghana Quran honored winners of Quran competition

A ceremony was held in Ghana’s capital of Accra to honor the winners of a competition on memorization of the Holy Quran.

AhlulBayt News Agency: A ceremony was held in Ghana’s capital of Accra to honor the winners of a competition on memorization of the Holy Quran.

The Al-Haji Nurgah Mosque in Accra’s New Town neighborhood hosted the event.

The competition was organized by the Iranian Cultural Center in Ghana in cooperation with the African country’s Islamic Education Institute with the aim of promotion of learning the Quran among the youth.

Memorization of the entire Quran, memorization of half of Quran and memorization of the 30th Juz (part) were the categories of the contest.

A number of Quran experts in the fields of memorization, Tajweed, and Lahn evaluated the performances of the contenders and announced the winners.

The top three contestants in each category were awarded at the honoring ceremony.

It was attended by the Iranian Cultural Attaché in Ghana, Saleh Dagheleh, an Iranian qari sent to the African country for Quran recitation, Sheikh Mustafa Yajalal, the director of the Islamic Education Institute, and a number of religious figures and officials.
